如何在 Chart.JS 中显示饼图的数据子集,同时在悬停时仍显示超集?

How can I show a subset of data on pie pieces in Chart.JS while still displaying the superset when hovering?(如何在 Chart.JS 中显示饼图的数据子集,同时在悬停时仍显示超集?)
本文介绍了如何在 Chart.JS 中显示饼图的数据子集,同时在悬停时仍显示超集?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!






var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US");变量数据 = {标签: [香蕉(18%)",生菜,长叶莴苣(14%)",瓜,西瓜(10%)",菠萝(10%)",浆果(10%)",生菜,春季混合(9%)",西兰花(8%)",甜瓜,蜜露(7%)",葡萄(7%)",甜瓜、哈密瓜 (7%)"],数据集:[{数据:[2755、2256、1637、1608、1603、1433、1207、1076、1056、1048]、背景颜色: ["#FFE135","#3B5323","#fc6c85","#ffec89","#021c3d","#3B5323","#046b00","#cef45a","#421C52",#FEA620"]}]};var optionsPie = {响应式:真实,scaleBeginAtZero:真,工具提示:{回调:{标签:函数(工具提示项,数据){返回 data.labels[tooltipItem.index] + ": " +formatter.format(data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].data[tooltipItem.index]);}}}};var ctx = $("#top10ItemsChart").get(0).getContext("2d");var top10PieChart = 新图表(ctx,{类型:'馅饼',数据:数据,选项:选项饼});$("#top10Legend").html(top10PieChart.generateLegend());

我是否需要添加 afterDraw() 事件,如果需要,它需要如何实现?


我尝试在图表构造函数中添加一个 onAnimationComplete() 回调:

var top10PieChart = new Chart(ctx,{类型:'馅饼',数据:数据,选项:选项饼,onAnimationComplete: 函数 () {var ctx = this.chart.ctx;ctx.font = this.scale.font;ctx.fillStyle = this.scale.textColor;ctx.textAlign = "中心";ctx.textBaseline = "中心";this.datasets.forEach(函数(数据集){dataset.points.forEach(函数(点){ctx.fillText(points.value, points.x, points.y - 10);});});}});


更新 2


<代码>,tooltipTemplate: "<%= value %>",onAnimationComplete: 函数 () {this.showTooltip(this.datasets[0].bars, true);}


更新 3


I've got a pie chart that looks like this when hovering over a piece of pie:

Except for wanting the legend to the right instead of on top, I'm fairly content with this, but I want just the percentage value to display "all the time" in the pie pieces - and still have the <name> (<%val>): <data> displayed on hover.

In other words, I want the pie to look something like this:

How can I break that one piece of data out (the percentage) and draw that onto each piece of pie?

Here is the code I'm using so far:

var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US");
var data = {
    labels: [
        "Bananas (18%)",
        "Lettuce, Romaine (14%)",
        "Melons, Watermelon (10%)",
        "Pineapple (10%)",
        "Berries (10%)",
        "Lettuce, Spring Mix (9%)",
        "Broccoli (8%)",
        "Melons, Honeydew (7%)",
        "Grapes (7%)",
        "Melons, Cantaloupe (7%)"
    datasets: [
            data: [2755, 2256, 1637, 1608, 1603, 1433, 1207, 1076, 1056, 1048],
            backgroundColor: [

var optionsPie = {
    responsive: true,
    scaleBeginAtZero: true,
    tooltips: {
        callbacks: {
            label: function (tooltipItem, data) {
                return data.labels[tooltipItem.index] + ": " +

var ctx = $("#top10ItemsChart").get(0).getContext("2d");
var top10PieChart = new Chart(ctx,
    type: 'pie',
    data: data,
    options: optionsPie


Do I need to add an afterDraw() event and, if so, just how does it need to look to accomplish this?


I tried adding an onAnimationComplete() callback to the chart constructor:

var top10PieChart = new Chart(ctx,
    type: 'pie',
    data: data,
    options: optionsPie,
    onAnimationComplete: function () {
        var ctx = this.chart.ctx;
        ctx.font = this.scale.font;
        ctx.fillStyle = this.scale.textColor;
        ctx.textAlign = "center";
        ctx.textBaseline = "center";

        this.datasets.forEach(function(dataset) {
            dataset.points.forEach(function(points) {
                ctx.fillText(points.value, points.x, points.y - 10);

...but it does nothing.


I also tried appending the following to the options object:

tooltipTemplate: "<%= value %>",
onAnimationComplete: function () {
    this.showTooltip(this.datasets[0].bars, true);

...with the same results (no change).


Okay, I was hopeful that the answer here would work, and ended up with this new code for my pie chart based on the answer there:

Added to optionsPie:

showTooltips: false,
onAnimationProgress: drawSegmentValues

Added after reference to element is retrieved:

var midX = canvas.width / 2;
var midY = canvas.height / 2

Added after pie chart instance is constructed:

var radius = top10PieChart.outerRadius;

Added function drawSegmentValues()

In context (no pun intended):

        // Top 10 Pie Chart
        var formatter = new Intl.NumberFormat("en-US");
        var data = {
            labels: [
                "Bananas (18%)",
                "Lettuce, Romaine (14%)",
                "Melons, Watermelon (10%)",
                "Pineapple (10%)",
                "Berries (10%)",
                "Lettuce, Spring Mix (9%)",
                "Broccoli (8%)",
                "Melons, Honeydew (7%)",
                "Grapes (7%)",
                "Melons, Cantaloupe (7%)"
            datasets: [
                    data: [2755, 2256, 1637, 1608, 1603, 1433, 1207, 1076
1056, 1048],
                    backgroundColor: [

        var optionsPie = {
            responsive: true,
            scaleBeginAtZero: true,
            legend: {
                display: false
            tooltips: {
                callbacks: {
                    label: function (tooltipItem, data) {
                        return data.labels[tooltipItem.index] + ": " +
            showTooltips: false,
            onAnimationProgress: drawSegmentValues

        var ctx = $("#top10ItemsChart").get(0).getContext("2d");
        var midX = canvas.width / 2;
        var midY = canvas.height / 2
        var top10PieChart = new Chart(ctx,
            type: 'pie',
            data: data,
            options: optionsPie//,
        var radius = top10PieChart.outerRadius;

        // </ Top 10 Pie Chart

        // Price Compliance Bar Chart
        . . . this horizontal bar chart code elided for brevity, bu
unchanged from their working state
        // Forecast/Impact Analysis Bar chart
        . . . this horizontal bar chart code also elided for brevity, bu
unchanged from their working state

    function drawSegmentValues() {
        for (var i = 0; i < top10PieChart.segments.length; i++) {
            ctx.fillStyle = "white";
            var textSize = canvas.width / 10;
            ctx.font = textSize + "px Verdana";
            // Get needed variables
            var value = top10PieChart.segments[i].value;
            var startAngle = top10PieChart.segments[i].startAngle;
            var endAngle = top10PieChart.segments[i].endAngle;
            var middleAngle = startAngle + ((endAngle - startAngle)

            // Compute text location
            var posX = (radius / 2) * Math.cos(middleAngle) + midX;
            var posY = (radius / 2) * Math.sin(middleAngle) + midY;

            // Text offside by middle
            var w_offset = ctx.measureText(value).width / 2;
            var h_offset = textSize / 4;

            ctx.fillText(value, posX - w_offset, posY + h_offset);

...but it completely hosed all three charts, leaving nothing visible/drawing.


By the way, I tried the given answer, but with no result/change - it still displays data on hover, as designed, but there is nothing otherwise.

Also, the related fiddle shows both the value and the percentage; due to real estate restrictions, I want the percentage only to be "always on" - the "whole enchilada" is only to be seen when hovering.


The following solution is using the same calculation as lamelemon's but using Chart.js plugins, which brings additional benefits :

  • There is no longer this blink effect caused by the animation.onComplete since it occurs immediatly without waiting for antything.

  • The tooltip is above the text, which is more natural.

Follows the plugin that does it :

    afterDatasetsDraw: function(chartInstance) {

        // We get the canvas context
        var ctx = chartInstance.chart.ctx;

        // And set the properties we need
        ctx.font = Chart.helpers.fontString(14, 'bold', Chart.defaults.global.defaultFontFamily);
        ctx.textAlign = 'center';
        ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom';
        ctx.fillStyle = '#666';

        // For ervery dataset ...
        chartInstance.config.data.datasets.forEach(function(dataset) {

            // For every data in the dataset ...
            for (var i = 0; i < dataset.data.length; i++) {

                // We get all the properties & values we need
                var model = dataset._meta[Object.keys(dataset._meta)[0]].data[i]._model,
                    total = dataset._meta[Object.keys(dataset._meta)[0]].total,
                    mid_radius = model.innerRadius + (model.outerRadius - model.innerRadius) / 2,
                    start_angle = model.startAngle,
                    end_angle = model.endAngle,
                    mid_angle = start_angle + (end_angle - start_angle) / 2;

                // We calculate the right positions for our text
                var x = mid_radius * 1.5 * Math.cos(mid_angle);
                var y = mid_radius * 1.5 * Math.sin(mid_angle);

                // We calculate the percentage
                var percent = String(Math.round(dataset.data[i] / total * 100)) + "%";
                // And display it
                ctx.fillText(percent, model.x + x, model.y + y);

You can check this plugin working on this jsFiddle, and here is the result :

这篇关于如何在 Chart.JS 中显示饼图的数据子集,同时在悬停时仍显示超集?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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