我有一个显示一些跨度的 React 应用程序:
I have a React application which displays some spans:
<span>Hello</span> <span>my</span> <span>name</span> <span> is </span> ...
I would like the user to select the text with the mouse like so
..然后获取选定的值,或突出显示文本等.我将如何在 React 中做到这一点?我不确定要使用哪些事件处理程序以及如何获取当前选择!一个最小的例子或提示将不胜感激!
..and then get the selected value, or highlight the text etc. How would I do this in React? I am not sure what event handlers to use and how to get hold of the current selection! A minimal example or a hint would be appreciated!
没有 React 特定的解决方案.只需使用 window.getSelection API.
There is no React-specific solution for this. Just use window.getSelection API.
要输出突出显示的文本,请运行 window.getSelection().toString()
To output highlighted text run window.getSelection().toString()