当我们在某个字段上分组行时,如何为 JQGrid 进行全局展开/折叠?
How can we have global Expand/Collapse for JQGrid when we have rows grouped on some field?
On expanding, it should expand all groups and on collapsing all groups should be collapsed.
You can set default value of the groupCollapse
property of the groupingView
parameter of jqGrid in the same way like you set any other default parameter:
$.extend($.jgrid.defaults, {
groupingView: {
groupCollapse: true
已更新:在评论中进行了额外解释后,我可以想象在某些情况下,当 所有 组从组将被展开/折叠.
UPDATED: After additional explanation in the comments I can me imagine that in some cases it can has the behavior when all groups will be expanded/collapsed if any from the groups will be expanded/collapsed.
var $grid = $("#list"), inOnClickGroup = false;
// ... other options
grouping: true,
onClickGroup: function (hid) {
var idPrefix = this.id + "ghead_", id, i, l,
groups = this.p.groupingView.sortnames[0];
if (!inOnClickGroup && hid.length > idPrefix.length &&
hid.substr(0, idPrefix.length) === idPrefix) {
id = Number(hid.substr(idPrefix.length));
if (typeof (groups[id]) !== "undefined") {
inOnClickGroup = true; // set to skip recursion
for (i = 0, l = groups.length; i < l; i++) {
if (i !== id) {
$(this).jqGrid('groupingToggle', this.id + 'ghead_' + i);
inOnClickGroup = false;
这篇关于当我们在某个字段上分组行时,我们如何为 JQGrid 进行全局展开/折叠?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!