如何将 NUnit 输出转换为 HTML 报告

How to convert NUnit output into an HTML report(如何将 NUnit 输出转换为 HTML 报告)
本文介绍了如何将 NUnit 输出转换为 HTML 报告的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


对于可以从 NUnit 的 XML 输出生成 HTML 报告的好工具、xslt 或其他工具,是否有人有任何建议?

Does anyone have any suggestions for a good tool, xslt or other that can produce an HTML report from the XML output of NUnit?

我们目前正在使用 NUnit 2.5.5 在我们的代码库上运行大量测试.开发团队很高兴看到 GUI 和控制台运行程序中的输出以及我们的 Hudson 服务器上显示的报告.

We're currently using NUnit 2.5.5 to run a number of tests on our code base. The dev team are happy seeing the output in the GUI and console runners and the report shown on our Hudson server.

Hudson 生成的报告需要用户单击链接以深入了解某些详细信息.我想制作一份适合向管理层和/或客户展示的单一文档报告.

The Hudson generated report needs a user to click links to drill down to some of the details. I would like to produce a single document report suitable for showing to management and/or the client.

到目前为止,我发现的唯一工具是 http://nunit2report.sourceforge.net/自 2003 年以来尚未更新,基于旧版本的 NUnit(我认为报告格式可能发生了重大变化?)并且是一个 nant 任务(我们不使用 nant).

Thus far, the only tool I've found is http://nunit2report.sourceforge.net/ which hasn't been updated sine 2003, is based on an old version of NUnit (I think the report format might have changed significantly?) and is a nant task (we don't use nant).

在我花太长时间尝试修改 nunit2reports xslt 以适应最近的 NUnit 输出之前,有人能指出更合适的工具吗?

Before I spend too long trying to doctor nunit2reports xslt's to suit the recent NUnit's output, can anyone point be to a more suitable tool?




For anyone interested, I found two other tools.

  • nunit-summary
  • nunit-results

两者都可以在 Lauchpad 上找到,从上面链接的非常基本的产品页面链接到.

Both are available on Lauchpad, linked to from the very basic product pages linked above.

不幸的是,这些工具都没有为我们的安装提供所需的详细程度 - 所以我最终修改了 nunit2report 以满足需求.

Unfortunately, neither of these tools provided the required level of detail for our installation - so I ended up doctoring the xslt's that came with nunit2report to suit out needs.

这篇关于如何将 NUnit 输出转换为 HTML 报告的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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