
Change position of divs with jquery drag an drop(使用jquery拖放更改div的位置)


我正在尝试构建一个网站,用户可以在其中将一些项目(div 中的一个项目)拖动到页面上的其他 div.它不是表格左右,只是页面某处的 div.

I'm trying to build a website where the user can drag some items (one item in on div) to other divs on the page. It' not a table or so, just divs somewhere on the page.

使用 html5 拖放效果很好,现在我尝试在移动设备上执行此操作.我可以将项目拖到 div 中,将它们放在那里并阻止这个 dropzone,因为只有一个元素应该在 dropzone 中.如果我犯了错误,我也可以将此元素拖动到另一个 div 或页面上的其他位置(可放置区域仅在第一次放置 div 时才有效),但我不能在 div 中放置另一个项目,现在是空的再次.

With html5 drag&drop it works well, now I try to do this for mobile devices. I can drag items to divs, drop them there and block this dropzone, because only one element should be in a dropzone. I also can drag this element to another div or somewhere else on the page (droppable areas only work on first time a div is dropped) if I've had make a mistake but then I cannot drop another item in the div which is now empty again.

如何才能再次启用在此 Dropzone 中的放置?

How can I enable dropping in this Dropzone again?

如果一个被拖到另一个上,是否可以同时改变两个 div 的位置?

And is it possible to two change the position of two divs if one is dragged on another?


Here is the relevant part of my code:

<script type="text/javascript">
$ (init);
function init() {
        start: handleDragStart,
        cursor: 'move',
        revert: "invalid",
        drop: handleDropEvent,
        tolerance: "touch",              
function handleDragStart (event, ui) {}       
function handleDropEvent (event, ui) {
    ui.draggable.position({of: $(this), my: 'left top', at: 'left top'});
    ui.draggable.draggable('option', 'revert', "invalid");
<div id="alles">
<div class="dropzones" id="zone1"><div class="dragzones" id="drag1">Item 1</div></div>
<div class="dropzones" id="zone2"><div class="dragzones" id="drag2">Item 2</div></div>
<div class="dropzones" id="zone3"><div class="dragzones" id="drag3">Item 3</div></div>
<div class="dropzones" id="zone4"><div class="dragzones" id="drag4">Item 4</div></div>
    <div class="dropzones" id="zone11"></div>
    <div class="dropzones" id="zone12"></div>
    <div class="dropzones" id="zone13"></div>
    <div class="dropzones" id="zone14"></div>   


Here is the now working page: Drag&Drop Task




I think all of your problems are solved here.

  • 启用/禁用丢弃作品
  • 返回的元素不再将它们置于其他元素之下
  • 返回的元素不再隐藏/移除它们
  • 更好的元素定位(看起来更好)
  • 它适用于移动设备(在 Android 4.1.1 Chrome 和 iPhone 上测试)

这是使用的 jQuery 代码:

Here's a jQuery code used:

$(document).on('pageshow', '#index', function(){       
        start: handleDragStart,
        cursor: 'move',
        revert: "invalid",
        drop: handleDropEvent,
        tolerance: "touch",              

function handleDragStart (event, ui) { }

function handleDropEvent (event, ui) {
    if (ui.draggable.element !== undefined) {
    ui.draggable.position({of: $(this),my: 'left top',at: 'left top'});
    ui.draggable.draggable('option', 'revert', "invalid");
    ui.draggable.element = $(this);

    // This is a fix for mobile devices

/iPad|iPhone|Android/.test( navigator.userAgent ) && (function( $ ) {

var proto =  $.ui.mouse.prototype,
_mouseInit = proto._mouseInit;

$.extend( proto, {
    _mouseInit: function() {
        .bind( "touchstart." + this.widgetName, $.proxy( this, "_touchStart" ) );
        _mouseInit.apply( this, arguments );

    _touchStart: function( event ) {
        .bind( "touchmove." + this.widgetName, $.proxy( this, "_touchMove" ) )
        .bind( "touchend." + this.widgetName, $.proxy( this, "_touchEnd" ) );

        this._modifyEvent( event );

        $( document ).trigger($.Event("mouseup")); //reset mouseHandled flag in ui.mouse
        this._mouseDown( event );

        //return false;           

    _touchMove: function( event ) {
        this._modifyEvent( event );
        this._mouseMove( event );   

    _touchEnd: function( event ) {
        .unbind( "touchmove." + this.widgetName )
        .unbind( "touchend." + this.widgetName );
        this._mouseUp( event ); 

    _modifyEvent: function( event ) {
        event.which = 1;
        var target = event.originalEvent.targetTouches[0];
        event.pageX = target.clientX;
        event.pageY = target.clientY;


})( jQuery );

本示例中使用的 touchFix 插件的原作者是 Oleg Slobodskoi.

Original author of a touchFix plugin used in this example is Oleg Slobodskoi.




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