I've been trying for a day to write two pipe functions, one that compiles less files and another one that concats these files. I want to learn how to write transform streams/pipes for more complex plugins.
So I want to know how to read data from another pipe, and how to alter that data and send it to the next pipe. This is what I have so far:
.pipe(through.obj(function (chunk, enc, cb) {
var t = this;
// console.log("chunk", chunk.path);
fs.readFile(chunk.path, enc, function (err,data) {
if (err) { cb(err); }
less.render(data, {
filename : chunk.path,
sourceMap : {
sourceMapRootpath : true
.then(function (outputCss) {
// console.log("less result",outputCss);
t.push(chunk);// or this.push(outputCss) same result
.pipe(through.obj(function (chunk, enc, cb) {
console.log("chunk", chunk.path); // not event getting called.
我无法为第二个管道中的每个文件获取 outputCSS
I can't get the outputCSS
for each file in the second pipe. How can I send it?
好了,这里你不需要使用 fs
,你已经得到了文件流(这里是你的 chunk
Well, you don't need to use fs
here, you already got the stream of file (here your chunk
Another point, you're not sending back to the pipe the files, so I guess that's why nothing is called on your second one.
const through = require('through2')
.pipe(through.obj((chunk, enc, cb) => {
console.log('chunk', chunk.path) // this should log now
cb(null, chunk)
在 ES2015 中:
In ES2015:
import through from 'through2'
.pipe(through.obj((chunk, enc, cb) => cb(null, chunk)))
.pipe(through.obj((file, enc, cb) => {
less.render(file.contents, { filename: file.path, ... }) // add other options
.then((res) => {
file.contents = new Buffer(res.css)
cb(null, file)
This is still pretty basic, I don't check for errors, if it's not a stream and so on, but this should give you some hint on what you've missed.
这篇关于如何编写一个简单的 gulp 管道函数?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!