我通过在服务器上使用 gulp 构建源文件来部署我的项目.为防止出现缓存问题,最佳做法是为请求 url 添加一个唯一编号,请参阅:防止浏览器在 Web 应用程序升级时缓存;
I deploy my project by building source files with gulp right on the server. To prevent caching issues, the best practice could be adding a unique number to request url, see: Preventing browser caching on web application upgrades;
在 npm 存储库中,我找不到自动向请求添加版本号的工具.我在问是否有人以前发明过这样的工具.
In npm repositories, I couldn't find a tool for automatically adding version number to request. I'm asking if someone has invented such tool before.
我在 src/
文件夹中有一个文件 index.html,带有以下脚本标签
I have a file index.html in src/
folder, with following script tag
<script src="js/app.js<!-- %nocache% -->"></script>
在构建过程中,它被复制到 dist/
During build it is copied to dist/
folder, and comment is replaced by autoincrement number
<script src="js/app.js?t=1234"></script>
你可以使用 gulp-version-number
为此.它可以通过将参数附加到 URL 来将版本号添加到 HTML 文档中的链接脚本、样式表和其他文件.例如:
You can use gulp-version-number
for this. It can add version numbers to linked scripts, stylesheets, and other files in you HTML documents, by appending an argument to the URLs. For example:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css?v=474dee2efac59e2dcac7bf6c37365ed0">
You don't even have to specify a placeholder, like you showed in your example implementation. And it's configurable.
const $ = gulpLoadPlugins();
const versionConfig = {
'value': '%MDS%',
'append': {
'key': 'v',
'to': ['css', 'js'],
gulp.task('html', () => {
return gulp.src('src/**/*.html')
.pipe($.htmlmin({collapseWhitespace: true}))