在全局匹配中编辑文件时,以下 Gulpjs 任务可以正常工作:
The following Gulpjs task works fine when editing files in the glob match:
// watch task.
gulp.task('watch', ['build'], function () {
gulp.watch(src + '/js/**/*.js', ['scripts']);
gulp.watch(src + '/img//**/*.{jpg,jpeg,png,gif}', ['copy:images']);
gulp.watch(src + '/less/*.less', ['styles']);
gulp.watch(src + '/templates/**/*.{swig,json}', ['html']);
// build task.
gulp.task('build', ['clean'], function() {
return gulp.start('copy', 'scripts', 'less', 'htmlmin');
However it doesn't work (it's not triggered) for new or deleted files. Is there something I'm missing?
编辑:即使使用 grunt-watch 插件,它似乎也不起作用:
EDIT: even using grunt-watch plugin it seems not working:
gulp.task('scripts', function() {
return streamqueue(
{ objectMode: true },
vendor + '/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js',
vendor + '/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js'
src + '/js/**/*.js'
.pipe(plugins.concat(pkg.name + '.min.js'))
.pipe(gulp.dest(dest + '/js/'));
gulp.task('watch', ['build'], function () {
plugins.watch({glob: src + '/js/**/*.js'}, function () {
编辑:已解决,是这个问题.以 ./
开头的 Glob(即 src
的值)似乎无法在 ATM 上工作.
EDIT: Solved, it was this issue. Globs starting with ./
(that was the value of src
) seems not working ATM.
显然 gulp.watch
Apparently gulp.watch
does work with new or deleted files now. It did not when the question was asked.
通常是更好的解决方案,因为它允许您仅对已修改的文件执行特定操作,而 gulp.watch
The rest of my answer still stands: gulp-watch
is usually a better solution because it lets you perform specific actions only on the files that have been modified, while gulp.watch
only lets you run complete tasks. For a project of a reasonable size, this will quickly become too slow to be useful.
You aren't missing anything. gulp.watch
does not work with new or deleted files. It's a simple solution designed for simple projects.
要获得可以查找新文件的文件监视,请使用 gulp-watch
To get file watching that can look for new files, use the gulp-watch
plugin, which is much more powerful. Usage looks like this:
var watch = require('gulp-watch');
// in a task
watch({glob: <<glob or array of globs>> })
.pipe( << add per-file tasks here>> );
// if you'd rather rerun the whole task, you can do this:
watch({glob: <<glob or array of globs>>}, function() {
gulp.start( <<task name>> );
我个人推荐第一个选项.这允许更快的每个文件进程.只要您不连接任何文件,它就可以在使用 livereload 的开发过程中运行良好.
Personally, I recommend the first option. This allows for much faster, per-file processes. It works great during development with livereload as long as you aren't concatenating any files.
您可以使用 我的 lazypipe
库 或简单地使用函数和 stream-combiner
You can wrap up your streams either using my lazypipe
library, or simply using a function and stream-combiner
like this:
var combine = require('stream-combiner');
function scriptsPipeline() {
return combine(coffeeescript(), uglify(), gulp.dest('/path/to/dest'));
watch({glob: 'src/scripts/**/*.js' })
更新 2014 年 10 月 15 日
UPDATE October 15, 2014
正如下面@pkyeck 所指出的,显然 gulp-watch
的 1.0 版本稍微改变了格式,所以上面的例子现在应该是:
As pointed out by @pkyeck below, apparently the 1.0 release of gulp-watch
changed the format slightly, so the above examples should now be:
var watch = require('gulp-watch');
// in a task
watch(<<glob or array of globs>>)
.pipe( << add per-file tasks here>> );
// if you'd rather rerun the whole task, you can do this:
watch(<<glob or array of globs>>, function() {
gulp.start( <<task name>> );
var combine = require('stream-combiner');
function scriptsPipeline() {
return combine(coffeeescript(), uglify(), gulp.dest('/path/to/dest'));
这篇关于Gulps gulp.watch 不会为新文件或已删除文件触发?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!