

how do I check if a user has a specific role in discord(如何检查用户是否在不和谐中具有特定角色)
How to Fix Runtime Error: Cannot close a running event loop - Python Discord Bot(如何修复运行时错误:无法关闭正在运行的事件循环 - Python Discord Bot)
How to get the list of members that reacted to a message in discord.py?(如何获取对 discord.py 中的消息做出反应的成员列表?)
Discord.py silence command(Discord.py 静音命令)
How to stop running discord bot process (python)(如何停止运行不和谐的机器人进程(python))
How to allow only admins to execute a command(如何只允许管理员执行命令)
How do I move a user to a specific channel on discord using the discord.py API(如何使用 discord.py API 将用户移动到 discord 上的特定频道)
Discord.py - How to make a role specific command?(Discord.py - 如何制作特定于角色的命令?)
Discord.py unable to get certificate(Discord.py 无法获得证书)
How to get a discord bot to output everything user inputs instead of just the first input?(如何让不和谐机器人输出用户输入的所有内容,而不仅仅是第一个输入?)