

Permission System for Discord.py Bot(Discord.py Bot 的权限系统)
Discord.py missing required argument(Discord.py 缺少必需的参数)
Get all members discord.py(获取所有成员 discord.py)
how do I check if a user has a specific role in discord(如何检查用户是否在不和谐中具有特定角色)
How to get the list of members that reacted to a message in discord.py?(如何获取对 discord.py 中的消息做出反应的成员列表?)
How do I move a user to a specific channel on discord using the discord.py API(如何使用 discord.py API 将用户移动到 discord 上的特定频道)
Discord.py - How to make a role specific command?(Discord.py - 如何制作特定于角色的命令?)
How to DM everyone with a bot - discord.py(如何使用机器人 DM 所有人 - discord.py)
Python - Is it possible to wait_for one event or another in Discord.py-v1.0?(Python - 是否可以在 Discord.py-v1.0 中等待一个事件或另一个事件?)
Starting discord.py command cooldown only if condition is met(仅在满足条件时才启动 discord.py 命令冷却)