我有两个 numpy 数组:
I have two numpy arrays:
a = np.arange(100*100).reshape(100,100)
b = np.random.rand(100, 100)
I also have a tuple of slices to extract a certain piece of the array:
slice_ = (slice(5, 10), slice(5, 10))
I then have a set of boolean indices to select a certain part of this slice:
indices = b[slice_] > 0.5
If I want to set these indices to a different value I can do it easily:
a[slice_][indices] = 42
However, if I create another set of boolean indices to select a specific part of the indexed array:
high_indices = a[slice_][indices] > 700
and then try and set the value of the array at these indices:
a[slice_][indices][high_indices] = 42 # Doesn't do anything!
的形状为 (5, 5)
和 high_indices
的形状为 (12,)
I thought maybe I needed to AND the two index arrays together, but they are different shape: indices
has a shape of (5, 5)
and high_indices
has a shape of (12,)
I think I've got myself into a terrible muddle here trying to do something relatively simple. How can I index using these two boolean arrays in such a way that I can set the values of the array?
切片一个 numpy 数组返回一个视图,但布尔索引返回一个数组的副本.因此,当您第一次在 a[slice_][indices][high_indices]
中使用布尔索引对其进行索引时,您会得到一个副本,并将值 42 分配给副本而不是数组 <代码>一个代码>.您可以通过链接布尔索引来解决问题:
Slicing a numpy array returns a view, but boolean indexing returns a copy of an array. So when you indexed it first time with boolean index in a[slice_][indices][high_indices]
, you got back a copy, and the value 42 is assigned to a copy and not to the array a
. You can solve the problem by chaining the boolean index:
a[slice_][(a[slice_] > 700) & (b[slice_] > 0.5)] = 42
这篇关于在由切片和两个布尔数组索引的 numpy 数组中设置值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!