在给定点、方位角和距离的情况下计算 gps 坐标

calculating a gps coordinate given a point, bearing and distance(在给定点、方位角和距离的情况下计算 gps 坐标)
本文介绍了在给定点、方位角和距离的情况下计算 gps 坐标的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a problem which draws my back in some project for some time now.

我基本上是在寻找使用我编写的一些脚本绘制的 x、y 点来捕获多边形.lat, lon 是多边形的中心 GPS 线,我正在寻找它周围的多边形.

I'm basically looking to trap a polygon using x, y points drawn by some script I've written. lat, lon are the center GPS cords of the polygon and I'm looking for its surrounding polygon.

这是我在 python 中的代码的一部分:

here is a part of my code in python:

def getcords(lat, lon, dr, bearing):
    return [lat2,lon2]


  • lat、lon - 以十进制度数给出.
  • dr - 是以英里为单位的距离除以地球的 -radius (=3958.82) 计算得出的角度
  • 轴承 - 0-360 度之间.


getcorsds1(42.189275, -76.85823, 0.5/3958.82, 30)

我得到输出:[-1.3485899508698462, -76.8576637627568],但是 [42.2516666666667, -76.8097222222222] 是正确的答案.

I get output: [-1.3485899508698462, -76.8576637627568], however [42.2516666666667, -76.8097222222222] is the right answer.


as for the angular distance, I calculate it simply by dividing the distance in miles by the earth's radius(=3958.82).



你为什么不用 nice图书馆?

from geopy import Point
from geopy.distance import distance, VincentyDistance

# given: lat1, lon1, bearing, distMiles
lat2, lon2 = VincentyDistance(miles=distMiles).destination(Point(lat1, lon1), bearing)

对于 lat1、lon1、distMiles、bearing = 42.189275,-76.85823, 0.5, 30 它返回 42.1955489, -76.853359.

For lat1, lon1, distMiles, bearing = 42.189275,-76.85823, 0.5, 30 it returns 42.1955489, -76.853359.

这篇关于在给定点、方位角和距离的情况下计算 gps 坐标的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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