我有两个 DataFrames
I have two DataFrames
and I want to perform the same list of cleaning ops.
I realized I can merge into one, and to everything in one pass, but I am still curios why this method is not working
test_1 = pd.DataFrame({
"A": [1, 8, 5, 6, 0],
"B": [15, 49, 34, 44, 63]
test_2 = pd.DataFrame({
"A": [np.nan, 3, 6, 4, 9, 0],
"B": [-100, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500]
假设我只想获取没有 NaN
s 的原始数据:我试过了
Let's assume I want to only take the raws without NaN
s: I tried
for df in [test_1, test_2]:
df = df[pd.notnull(df["A"])]
但 test_2
but test_2
is left untouched. On the other hand if I do:
test_2 = test_2[pd.notnull(test_2["A"])]
现在我的第一个 raw 走了.
Now I the first raw went away.
所有这些切片/索引操作都会创建原始数据帧的视图/副本,然后您 重新分配 df
All these slicing/indexing operations create views/copies of the original dataframe and you then reassign df
to these views/copies, meaning the originals are not touched at all.
选项 1dropna(...inplace=True)
尝试就地 dropna
Option 1
Try an in-place dropna
call, this should modify the original object in-place
df_list = [test_1, test_2]
for df in df_list:
df.dropna(subset=['A'], inplace=True)
Note, this is one of the few times that I will ever recommend an in-place modification, because of this use case in particular.
选项 2enumerate
或者,您可以重新分配到列表 -
Option 2
with reassignment
Alternatively, you may re-assign to the list -
for i, df in enumerate(df_list):
df_list[i] = df.dropna(subset=['A']) # df_list[i] = df[df.A.notnull()]