I've got a string with words that are separated by spaces (all words are unique, no duplicates). I turn this string into list:
s = "#one cat #two dogs #three birds"
out = s.split()
And count how many values are created:
print len(out) # Says 192
Then I try to delete everything from the list:
for x in out:
And then count again:
print len(out) # Says 96
Can someone explain please why it says 96 instead of 0?
Each line starts with '#' and is in fact a space-separated pair of words: the first in the pair is the key and second is the value.
So, what I am doing is:
for x in out:
if '#' in x:
ind = out.index(x) # Get current index
nextValue = out[ind+1] # Get next value
myDictionary[x] = nextValue
The problem is I cannot move all key,value-pairs into a dictionary since I only iterate through 96 items.
I think you actually want something like this:
s = '#one cat #two dogs #three birds'
out = s.split()
entries = dict([(x, y) for x, y in zip(out[::2], out[1::2])])
What is this code doing? Let's break it down. First, we split s
by whitespace into out
as you had.
Next we iterate over the pairs in out
, calling them "x, y
". Those pairs become a list
of tuple/pairs. dict()
accepts a list of size two tuples and treats them as key, val
Here's what I get when I tried it:
$ cat tryme.py
s = '#one cat #two dogs #three birds'
out = s.split()
entries = dict([(x, y) for x, y in zip(out[::2], out[1::2])])
from pprint import pprint
$ python tryme.py
{'#one': 'cat', '#three': 'birds', '#two': 'dogs'}