在 Networkx 中循环遍历节点并提取属性

looping through nodes and extract attributes in Networkx(在 Networkx 中循环遍历节点并提取属性)
本文介绍了在 Networkx 中循环遍历节点并提取属性的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I defined in python some shapes with corresponding corner points, like this:

square = [[251, 184],
          [22, 192],
          [41, 350],
          [244, 346]]

triangle = [[250, 181],
            [133, 43],
            [21, 188]]

pentagon = [[131,  37],
            [11, 192],
            [37, 354],
            [247, 350],
            [256, 182]]

然后,我使用 NetworkX 包来创建一个 Graph:

Then, I make use of NetworkX package to create a Graph:

G = nx.DiGraph()


Then, I create a node in the graph for each shape:

G.add_node('square', points = square, center = (139, 265))
G.add_node('triangle', points = triangle, center = (139, 135))
G.add_node('pentagon', points = pentagon, center = (138, 223))


Now is the problem, I have to create some edges connecting two nodes if a condition is satisfied. The condition to satisfy is if the center of a shape is inside or outside another shape, then create an edge like this:

G.add_edge('triangle', 'pentagon', relation = 'inside')
G.add_edge('triangle', 'square', relation = 'outside')


To do so, I have to loop through the nodes, extract the center of a shape, extract the points of the other shapes (NOT themselves, it's useless) and make the pointPolygonTest.


I've been trying quite much, but didn't came out with any solution. The closest (not really effective) solution I got is this:

nodes_p=dict([((u),d['points']) for u,d in G.nodes(data=True)])
nodes_c=dict([((u),d['center']) for u,d in G.nodes(data=True)])
for z,c in nodes_c.items():
    print z + ' with center', c
    for z,p in nodes_p.items():
        p_array = np.asarray(p)
        if cv2.pointPolygonTest(p_array,c,False)>=0:
            print 'inside ' + z
            #create edge
            print 'outside ' + z
            #create edge

这给了我以下输出,这不是最佳的,因为应该避免一些关系(如 triangle inside triangle)或一些错误的关系(如 pentagon inside square)

This, gives me the following output, that is not optimal because there are some relation that should have been avoided (like triangle inside triangle) or some wrong relations (like pentagon inside square)

triangle with center (139, 135)
inside triangle
outside square
inside pentagon
square with center (139, 265)
outside triangle
inside square
inside pentagon
pentagon with center (138, 223)
outside triangle
inside square
inside pentagon


How can I solve this problem? Any suggestion is apreciated. Reminder: the main problem is how to loop through the nodes and extract the info. The packages I import for the whole script are:

import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import cv2



首先,不需要将节点转换为字典,我们可以直接对其进行迭代.此代码基于 此示例

First, there is no need to cast the nodes as dictionaries, we can iterate on them directly. This code is based off of this example

for u,outer_d in G.nodes(data=True):
   center = outer_d['center']
   print u, "with center", center
   for v, inner_d in G.nodes(data=True):
        #Don't compare self to self
        if u != v:
            # Create a source image
            src = np.zeros((400,400),np.uint8)          
            # draw an polygon on image src
            points = np.array(inner_d['points'],np.int0)
            contours,_ = cv2.findContours(src,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
            if cv2.pointPolygonTest(contours[0],center,True) <= 0:
                print 'outside',v
                print 'inside',v


pentagon with center (138, 223)
inside square
outside triangle
square with center (139, 265)
inside pentagon
outside triangle
triangle with center (139, 135)
inside pentagon
outside square


Since the goal is to determine if one polygon is completely inside the other, we should check all of the vertices of one polygon are inside another. Here is a tentative (unfortunately untested) solution.

def checkPoint(point, poly,r=400):
    ''' determine if point is on the interior of poly'''
    # Create a source image
    src = np.zeros((r,r),np.uint8)       
    # draw an polygon on image src
    verts = np.array(poly,np.int0)
    contours,_ = cv2.findContours(src,cv2.RETR_TREE,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    return cv2.pointPolygonTest(contours[0],tuple(point),True) > 0:

for u,outer_d in G.nodes(data=True):
    points = outer_d['points']
    center = outer_d['center']
    print u, "with center", center
    for v, inner_d in G.nodes(data=True):
        poly = inner_d['points']
        if u != v:
            if all([checkPoint(point,poly) for point in points]):
                print 'inside',v
                print 'outside',v


The output for this example is as follows and now should be correct.

pentagon with center (138, 223)
outside square
outside triangle
square with center (139, 265)
inside pentagon
outside triangle
triangle with center (139, 135)
inside pentagon
outside square

请注意,我假设多边形是凸的.如果这不是真的,那么您可以检查轮廓上的所有点,而不仅仅是角点.您还可以使用 cv2 构建凸性检查,请参阅 此博客了解详情.

Note that I have made the assumption that the polygons will be convex. If this is not true, then you could check all the points on the contour instead of just the corner points. You could also build in a convexity check using cv2, see this blog for details.

这篇关于在 Networkx 中循环遍历节点并提取属性的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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