PHP post_max_size overrides upload_max_filesize(PHP post_max_size 覆盖upload_max_filesize)
Upload 1GB files using chunking in PHP(在 PHP 中使用分块上传 1GB 文件)
PHP Upload, extract and progressbar(PHP 上传、解压和进度条)
Very large uploads with PHP(使用 PHP 进行非常大的上传)
Convert JPG/GIF image to PNG in PHP?(在 PHP 中将 JPG/GIF 图像转换为 PNG?)
How to test if a user has SELECTED a file to upload?(如何测试用户是否选择了要上传的文件?)
Max file number can php upload at same time(最大文件数可以同时php上传)
Ajax file upload(Ajax 文件上传)
overriding upload_max_filesize(覆盖 upload_max_filesize)
How can I select and upload multiple files with HTML and PHP, using HTTP POST?(如何使用 HTTP POST 使用 HTML 和 PHP 选择和上传多个文件?)