本文介绍了PHP 上传、解压和进度条的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!
我需要帮助来为我的 php 上传网站创建进度条.我已经对上传和提取部分进行了排序,但我需要进度条方面的帮助.我不知道该怎么做.另外,上传文件是否有最大文件大小?
I need help with creating a progress bar for my php upload site. I've got the upload and exctract part sorted but i need help with the progress bar. I'm not sure how to do it. Also, is there a maximum file size for the upload?
<?php if($message) echo "<p>$message</p>"; ?>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="">
<label>Choose file (.zip): <input type="file" name="zip_file" /></label>
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Upload" name="submit" value="Upload" />
if($_FILES["zip_file"]["name"]) {
$filename = $_FILES["zip_file"]["name"];
$source = $_FILES["zip_file"]["tmp_name"];
$type = $_FILES["zip_file"]["type"];
$name = explode(".", $filename);
$accepted_types = array(
foreach($accepted_types as $mime_type) {
if($mime_type == $type) {
$okay = true;
$continue = strtolower($name[1]) == 'zip' ? true : false;
if(!$continue) {
$message = "[...] not a .zip file. Please try again.";
$target_path = "./".$filename;
if(move_uploaded_file($source, $target_path)) {
$zip = new ZipArchive();
$x = $zip->open($target_path);
if ($x === true) {
$message = "Your .zip file was uploaded and unpacked.";
} else {
$message = "There was a problem with the upload. Please try again.";
You can make some changes to fit but this works rather well if you want a progress bar. You can add more eventlisteners and make it how you want. I hope this is a good starting point for you.
function uploadFile(){
var file = document.getElementById("zip_file").files[0];
var formdata = new FormData();
formdata.append("zip_file", file);
var ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
ajax.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(event) { runprogress(event); } , false);
ajax.addEventListener("load", function(event) {uploadcomplete(event); }, false);
//Target your php file.
ajax.open("POST", "upload.php");
function runprogress(event){
//The progress %, you might want to Math.round(percent)
var percent = (event.loaded / event.total) * 100;
function uploadcomplete(event){
//This will = to your php reply.
var AjaxReply=event.target.responseText;
这篇关于PHP 上传、解压和进度条的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!