500 - 发生错误 - 在 Joomla 中添加新文章时,DB 功能未报告错误

500 - An error has occurred – DB function reports no errors when adding new article in Joomla(500 - 发生错误 - 在 Joomla 中添加新文章时,DB 功能未报告错误)
本文介绍了500 - 发生错误 - 在 Joomla 中添加新文章时,DB 功能未报告错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一篇文章想在我的 Joomla 上发布!地点.每次我点击应用或保存.我收到错误 500 - 发生错误!DB 函数没有报错.我不知道为什么会出现此错误,我可以认为这是服务器错误.

I have an article that I want to publish on my Joomla! site. Every time I click apply or save. I get error 500 - An error has occurred! DB function reports no errors. I have no idea why this error comes up, al I can think is that it's a server error.

我正在使用 TinyMCE 和 Joomla 一起输入文章!1.5.11.

I'm using TinyMCE to type articles together with Joomla! 1.5.11.

更新:我在 Joomla 中开启了最大错误报告!在文章管理器中,我尝试保存文章,但出现了以下几个错误.请检查截图

Updated: I turned on Maximum error reporting in Joomla! and in the article manager I tried to save the article and got these couple of errors. Please check screenshot


ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);

在 Joomla 的 index.php 页面的顶部!但它没有显示任何错误.我检查了服务器上的错误日志,也没有出现错误.

at the top of the index.php pages for Joomla! but it does not show any errors. I checked the error logs on the server and also no errors come up.

我设法通过 phpMyAdmin 发布了这篇文章,但随后发生了其他事情.我尝试通过点击文章链接从前端访问文章,但只出现一个空白页面.

I managed to publish the article via phpMyAdmin but then something else happens. I try to access to article from the front end, by clicking on the link to the article, but only a blank page comes up.

这真的很奇怪,因为错误日志没有显示任何信息.所以我假设错误需要来自 Joomla!

This is really weird, since the error log does not show any information. So I assume the error needs to be coming from Joomla!

如果我在/administrator/components/com_content/controller.php(大约第 693)

This happens if I add a print_r($_POST) before if (!$row->check()) { on /administrator/components/com_content/controller.php (around line 693)

    [title] => Test.
    [state] => 0
    [alias] => test
    [frontpage] => 0
    [sectionid] => 10
    [catid] => 44
    [details] => Array
            [created_by] => 62
            [created_by_alias] => 
            [access] => 0
            [created] => 2008-10-25 13:31:21
            [publish_up] => 2008-10-25 13:31:21
            [publish_down] => Never

    [params] => Array
            [show_title] => 
            [link_titles] => 
            [show_intro] => 
            [show_section] => 
            [link_section] => 
            [show_category] => 
            [link_category] => 
            [show_vote] => 
            [show_author] => 1
            [show_create_date] => 0
            [show_modify_date] => 0
            [show_pdf_icon] => 
            [show_print_icon] => 
            [show_email_icon] => 
            [language] => 
            [keyref] => 
            [readmore] => 

    [meta] => Array
            [description] => Test.
            [keywords] => Test
            [robots] => 
            [author] => Test

    [id] => 58
    [cid] => Array
            [0] => 58

    [version] => 30
    [mask] => 0
    [option] => com_content
    [task] => apply
    [ac1e0853fb1b3f41730c0d52de89dab7] => 1


I had a bounty on this question, but the problem is still not resolved? link text


这是文章的链接(我从 TinyMCE 获得的文本文件的来源)文章

Here is a link to the article (text file with the source I got from TinyMCE) Article



"""您可以要求您的托管服务提供商禁用 php.ini 中的 suhosin 功能.启用此功能后,无法保存大帖子."""".

"""you can ask to your hosting provider to disable the function suhosin in php.ini. When this function is enable, is not possible to save large posts."""".

Shailedner Ahuja

Shailedner Ahuja


这篇关于500 - 发生错误 - 在 Joomla 中添加新文章时,DB 功能未报告错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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