
Saving, organizing and querying products, options/tags and categories(保存、组织和查询产品、选项/标签和类别)



First of all, let me make clear that I'm not asking for any code; I just wan't some general ideas/guidance/opinions about how could I implement what I'm about to ask.

我正在开始构建一个在线电子商务系统(Yii2 + MongoDB,所以,PHP + NoSQL),并且有两个必要条件我不完全确定如何在不造成巨大混乱的情况下实现我的代码和数据库.

I'm starting to build an online e-commerce system (Yii2 + MongoDB, so, PHP + NoSQL), and there are two requisites that I'm not entirely sure how to implement without creating a huge mess in both my code and the database.


Both requisites are related, so I'll explain them both as one.

与任何其他严肃的电子商务一样,它也有类别.而且,与任何其他严肃的电子商务一样,每个产品都会有 tagsoptions.让我进一步解释一下我所说的 tags/options.

As any other serious e-commerce, it would have categories. And also, as any other serious e-commerce, each product will have tags or options. Let me explain a little bit further what I call tags/options.


Those are the available options that a user could select when buying a product, for example, the color or the size, the material, etc.

  1. 类别

将有多个 general 类别以及其他子类别.例如,Electronics 可以是一般类别,而子类别可以是 ComputersSmart TVs.那么,MotherboardsRAM 可以是 Computers 的子类别.

There would be multiple general categories as well as other sub-categories. For example, Electronics could be a general category and sub-categories would be Computers and Smart TVs. Then, Motherboards and RAM could be sub-categories of Computers.


This by itself could be easily stored in a database, but here it goes the problem:

  • 每个产品在列出它所属的任何类别或上层类别时都应该出现.这意味着如果我(作为最终用户)浏览Computers 类别中的所有项目,我应该看到属于子类别Graphic cardNVIDIA GTX670类别计算机的code>.
  • Each product should appear when listing any of the categories it belongs to, or the upper categories. That means that if I (as the final user) browse all the items in Computers category, I should see NVIDIA GTX670 which belongs to the subcategory Graphic cards of the category Computers.


I could save each product the following way:

    _id: asdasfwetrw34tw34t245y45y,
    name: "NVIDIA GTX670",
    price: 99.50,
    categories: [
        "Electronics", //<-- just the ID of that group
        "Computers", //<-- just the ID of that group
        "Graphic cards" //<-- just the ID of that group


  • 我不确定检索某个类别的所有项目(当然还有所有子类别的项目)的查询速度有多快.
  • 我不确定该方法还有哪些其他缺点,因此,请随时推荐用于存储此内容的任何替代架构.

2. 标签/选项


This is where the real headache is.

每个选项可以属于0个或多个类别和子类别,因此类别Woman fashion可以有选项sizecolor,但是类别Sunglasses(Woman fashion的子类别)可以只有color,甚至是另一组选项,与Woman fashion完全不同.

Each option could belong to 0 or more categories and subcategories, so the category Woman fashion could have the options size and color, but the category Sunglasses (subcategory of Woman fashion) could have only color, or even another set of options, completely different from Woman fashion.

此外,每个选项中的值(redgreenbluecolor 选项中)可以出现在随机类别中.所以Woman fashion会有Strawberry RedTangerine这样的颜色,而Cars会有Carboncode> 和 黑色金属.

Furthermore, the values inside each option (red, green, blue in the color option) could appear in random categories. So Woman fashion would have colors like Strawberry Red and Tangerine, while Cars would have Carbon and Black metallic.


Also, there would be several types of options:

  • 完全静态(如size,只能是SM,但不能同时是两者.无论如何,管理员不会无法编写自定义大小,例如Kind of small;他只能选择数据库中已有的内容).
  • 可以组合在一起的静态(如 colors,可以是 redgreen,或者管理员选择的颜色组合).
  • 自由输入(如 dimensionsweight,理想情况下,它是要加入的输入字段和下拉值.例如 [10] | (mg||kg|tons)[20] (cm|m|km|miles)).莉>
  • Completely static (like size, which could be only S or M, but never both. In any case, the administrator won't be able to write a custom size, like Kind of small; he would be able to just select what it's already in the database).
  • Static that can combine together (like colors, which could be red or green, or a combination of colors that the admin chooses).
  • Free-input (like dimensions or weight, that would, ideally, be input fields and dropdown values to join with. For example [10] | (mg||kg|tons) or [20] (cm|m|km|miles)).


I could save each option like this:

    option: "Color",
    type: "Static with combinations"
    values: [
            value: "Red",
            categories: [
            value: "Green",
            categories: [
            value: "Black metallic",
            categories: [
    categories: [
        "Woman fashion", //<-- only the ID of this group
        "Cars" //<-- only the ID of this group

但是我担心单个选项会变成多大,当有 30 个类别并且选项的每个值都设置为出现在随机类别中时.

But I'm worried about how big a single option could turn to be, when there are 30 categories and each value of the option is set to appear in random categories.
Also I just don't see it clean enough, but maybe that is just me.


Anyways, as with the previous point, please feel free to suggest anything to can come up with, I'll greatly appreciate any feedback that you can give me.



I'm running a e-commerce website, too. Here's my advice on how I implement the features you mentioned. Hope it helps.

  • 类别


I organize them in a flat structure, in your case it would be:

    {_id: 1, name: "Electronics", parentId: 0, idPath: "/0/1/" ...}
    {_id: 2, name: "Computers", parentId: 1, idPath: "/0/1/2/", ...}
    {_id: 3, name: "Graphic Cards", parentId: 2, idPath: "/0/1/2/3/", ...}


And the product now needs to be only in the leaf categories. In your case:

        _id: asdasfwetrw34tw34t245y45y,
        name: "NVIDIA GTX670",
        price: 99.50,
        categoryIds: [3]

产品当然可以属于多个类别,所以categoryIds 仍然是一个数组.这是棘手的部分.当您列出 Electronics 类别时,您可以通过以下方式找到其所有子类别:

The product can be in multiple categories of course, so the categoryIds remains an array. Here's the tricky part. When you list the Electronics category, you can find all its subcategories by:

    db.categories.find({idPath: /^/0/1


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