我正在使用 javascript setInterval() 来检查用户空闲时间并在自动注销之前显示弹出警报.但它不适用于多个标签(适用于单个标签)
I am using javascript setInterval() to check user idle time and show a popup alert before automatic logout. But it does not work for multiple tabs (working fine for single tab)
var idleInterval = setInterval(timerIncrement, 1000);
function timerIncrement()
if(localStorage.getItem("idleTimeValue")) {
idleTime = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("idleTimeValue")) + 1; //increments idle time by one second
} else {
idleTime = 1;
localStorage.setItem("idleTimeValue", idleTime);
var timeDiff = 600;
var totTimeRemaining = timeDiff-idleTime;
if(totTimeRemaining > 0) {
var minutes = Math.floor(totTimeRemaining / 60);
var seconds = totTimeRemaining - minutes * 60;
$('#timeoutRemainingTime').html(minutes+" minutes and "+seconds+" seconds");
} else {
window.location = httpHost+"/account/index/logout";
$(this).click(function (e)
我在 localStorage 中设置空闲时间 -
I am setting the idle time in localStorage like -
localStorage.setItem("idleTimeValue", idleTime);
因此,如果我打开 3 个选项卡,setInterval() 函数将在所有选项卡中运行,idleTime 也会增加 3 秒而不是 1 秒,并且时间计算发生错误.
So if I open 3 tabs, setInterval() function will run in all tabs, also idleTime increments by 3 seconds instead of 1 second and time calculations is happening wrongly.
I need to show popup in all tabs and clicking continue in one tab should reflct in all other tabs.
Can anybody suggest a solution for this? Please help guys
Thank you guys, I got the solution for this.
我使用了一个 localStorage 值,其中存储了当前时间.如果 localStorage["currentTime"] 中没有值,则将当前时间存储在 localStorage 中.
I used a localStorage value with current time stored in it. If there is no value exists in localStorage["currentTime"], stored current time in localStorage .
var currentTime = new Date();
if ( !(localStorage.getItem("currentTime")) || (localStorage.getItem("currentTime") == "") )
idleTime = 0;
setTimeout(function() { localStorage.setItem("currentTime", currentTime)},5000); // current time is set to localStorage after seconds (it is for setting in multiple tabs)
显示超时弹出窗口的所有计算都是使用 localStorage.getItem("currentTime") 值完成的.
All calculations to show timeout popup is done using localStorage.getItem("currentTime") value.
如果用户没有空闲(当用户点击某处时),我将 localStorage["currentTime"] 设置为 null
Then I set localStorage["currentTime"] to null if user is not idle (when user clicks somewhere)
$(this).click(function (e)
localStorage.setItem("currentTime", "");
idleTime = 0;
这篇关于带有多个选项卡的弹出警报的 Javascript 会话超时的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!