使用 PHPExcel 以文本格式读取数字

Reading numbers as text format with PHPExcel(使用 PHPExcel 以文本格式读取数字)
本文介绍了使用 PHPExcel 以文本格式读取数字的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个可以存储数字的数组,例如 01、01A、01B、02、2,当我使用 PHPExcel 获取此值时,例如,在 01、02 的情况下,它会被删除0".为了解决这个问题,我尝试将这些值将存储在excel中的行格式化并将其设置为文本类型,就像在下面的代码中一样:

I have an array that can store numbers in such as 01, 01A, 01B, 02, 2, and When I get this value using PHPExcel, it's being removed the '0's in case of 01, 02, for example. To solve this problem, I tried to format the row where these values will be stored in excel and set it as text type, just like in the following code:

    $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->fromArray($blockNames, null, 'A2');
    $latestBLColumn = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getHighestDataColumn();
    $column = 'A';
    $row = 1;
    for ($column = 'A'; $column != $latestBLColumn; $column++) {
        $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle($column.$row)->getNumberFormat()->setFormatCode( PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_TEXT );
    $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->fromArray($blockNames, null, 'A1');

因此,通过这样做,我得到了具有 01、01A、02、02B 等数字的数组,并将其存储在 A2 行中.我得到了在条件 For 中使用此值的最高列.在这种情况下,我将范围 A 中的第 1 行设置为最高列,以格式化为文本.

So, by doing this, I get the array with numbers like 01, 01A, 02, 02B... and I store it in the Row A2. I get the highest Column to use this value in the condition For. In this condition, I set for the Row 1 in the range A until the highest column, to be formated as text.


My template is generated, and all the numbers are in text format, but the problem is that I think when I use the "fromArray()" method, it transforms the numbers of the array before I can get it right in excel. Do you have any idea of how can I solve this problem??



Formatting using a number format affects the way a number is displayed, not the way it is stored.

您必须将数字明确存储为字符串,因此您不能使用 fromArray().改用 setCellValueExplicit() 或 setCellValueExplicitByColumnAndRow(),传递 PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING 的 $pDataType 参数.

You'll have to store the numbers explicitly as strings, so you can't use fromArray(). Use setCellValueExplicit() or setCellValueExplicitByColumnAndRow() instead, passing a $pDataType argument of PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING.


请注意,您还可以为一系列单元格设置样式,因此无需添加 for 循环的开销:

Note that you can also set styles for a range of cells, so there's no need to add the overhead of the for loop:

$range = 'A'.$row.':'.$latestBLColumn.$row;
    ->setFormatCode( PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_TEXT );



Create a customised cell value binder:

class PHPExcel_Cell_MyValueBinder extends PHPExcel_Cell_DefaultValueBinder
    implements PHPExcel_Cell_IValueBinder 
    public function bindValue(PHPExcel_Cell $cell, $value = null) 
        // sanitize UTF-8 strings 
        if (is_string($value)) { 
            $value = PHPExcel_Shared_String::SanitizeUTF8($value); 

        // Implement your own override logic 
        if (is_string($value) && $value[0] == '0') { 
            $cell->setValueExplicit($value, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING); 
            return true; 

        // Not bound yet? Use default value parent... 
        return parent::bindValue($cell, $value); 

为避免自动加载器出现任何问题,请在/Classes/PHPExcel/Cell 目录中创建它.否则,为类指定您自己的非 PHPExcel 名称,并确保它是独立加载的.

To avoid any problems with the autoloader, create this in the /Classes/PHPExcel/Cell directory. Otherwise, give the class your own non-PHPExcel name, and ensure that it's loaded independently.

然后,在使用 fromArray() 调用之前,告诉 PHPExcel 使用您的值绑定器而不是默认绑定器:

Then, before using your fromArray() call, tell PHPExcel to use your value binder instead of the default binder:

PHPExcel_Cell::setValueBinder( new PHPExcel_Cell_MyValueBinder() );

这篇关于使用 PHPExcel 以文本格式读取数字的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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