
Convert between Degree and Milliseconds(在度数和毫秒之间转换)



I know the formular for conversion from Degree to Milliseconds and vice-versa. It can be implemented like that:

 protected function decimal_to_milisecond($dec) {
        if (!empty($dec)) {         
            $vars = explode(".",$dec);
            if (count($vars) == 2) {
                $deg = $vars[0];
                $tempma = "0.".$vars[1];
                $tempma = $tempma * 3600;
                $min = floor($tempma / 60);
                $sec = $tempma - ($min*60);
                return round((((($deg * 60) + $min) * 60 + $sec) * 1000));
            else return false;
        } else return false;

 function milisecond_to_decimal($sec) {
        if (!empty($sec)) {
            $s = $sec / 1000;
            $d = (int)($s / 3600);
            $s = $s % 3600;
            $m = (int)($s / 60);
            $s %= 60;       
            $ret = substr($d+((($m*60)+($s))/3600),0);
        } else return null;
        return $ret;


Scenario: I convert from Degree to Miliseconds and continue converting from Miliseconds to Degree. The converted value has some difference with original value. I want the value is exact as the orginal value as well. For example:

$lat = "1284146";
$long = "503136198";
$lat1 = milisecond_to_decimal($lat);
$long1 = milisecond_to_decimal($long);

$result1 = decimal_to_milisecond($lat1);
$result2 = decimal_to_milisecond($long1);
var_dump($result1, $result2);

The output is float(1284000) and float(503136000)


Is there another way to reduce difference is caused by conversion between degree and milliseconds?



There are 360 degrees (longitude), 60 minutes per degree, 60 secondes per minute, 1000 milliseconds per second. So at most

360*60*60*1000 milliseconds = 1 296 000 000 milliseconds

这很适合 31 位,因此我们的想法是首先转换为整数,并以整数执行尽可能多的操作.

That fits well on 31 bits, so the idea would be to first convert to an integer, and perform as much operations as possible in integer.

请注意,如果您使用单精度浮点数,您将获得 24 位有效位,并且会在十分之一秒内失去精度(log2(360*60*60*10) 约为23.6).

Note that if you use single precision floating point, you'll get a 24 bits significand and will loose accuracy under 1 tenth of second (log2(360*60*60*10) is about 23.6).

我建议以双精度(53 位有效位)存储结果.

I would recommend to store results in double precision (53 bits significand).


我的建议是一次执行转换,如果有一种方法可以使用双精度来表示 $decimaldegrees (我对 php 的了解不足以说明这一点),一些喜欢:

What I was suggesting is to perform the conversion all at once, if there is a way to use double precision for representing $decimaldegrees (I don't know php enough to tell so), something like:

$millis = (int)( round( $decimaldegrees * (60*60*1000) ) );

那么如果你想分解成 DMS(但这些变量没有在你的代码中使用):

Then if ever you want to decompose into DMS (but these variables are not used in your code):

$ms  =  $millis % 1000;
$sec = ($millis / 1000) % 60;
$min = ($millis / (60*1000)) % 60;
$deg = ($millis / (60*60*1000)) % 360;

更深入地查看您的代码,您似乎首先将小数部分分开 $tempma = "0.".$vars[1];
如果您使用十进制表示字符串,这可能会起作用,因为在这种情况下,即使在单精度浮点数上也很适合(log2(60*60*1000) 大约是 21.8).所以开头可以替换为:

Ater a deeper look at you code, it seems you are separating the decimal part first $tempma = "0.".$vars[1];
That could work if you work on the decimal representation string, because in this case that fits well even on a single precision float (log2(60*60*1000) is about 21.8). So the beginning could be replaced with:

$deg  = (int) $vars[0];
$frac = "0.".$vars[1];
$millis = (int)( round( $frac * (60*60*1000) ) );
$millis = deg + millis;


From the example of output you gave, it sounds like the problem comes from the other conversion milisecond_to_decimal, presumably because some arithmetic operation is performed with integer arithmetic and thus discards the milliseconds.

再一次,我对php不够了解,但不会 $s = $s % 3600; 实际上对 (int)(%s) 从而丢弃毫秒?
您需要找到与 C 函数 fmodmodf 等价的东西.

Once again, I don't know php enough, but wouldn't $s = $s % 3600; in fact operate on (int)(%s) and thus discard the milliseconds?
You would need to find something equivalent to C function fmod or modf.


Once again, you could do all operation at once if there is a way to do it in double precision:

$decimaldegrees = ((double)($millis)) / (60*60*1000);


If you don't have access to double precision, you can't recompose safely, single precision does not have enough bits...


You would need to operate on separate string parts, caring of leading zeros in fraction part


Anyway, I strongly suggest to perform unit tests, that is to test your two functions separately, this way you'll get a better understanding of what works and what not.




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