让作曲家(php 依赖管理器)在 docker 镜像构建上运行

Get composer (php dependency manager) to run on a docker image build(让作曲家(php 依赖管理器)在 docker 镜像构建上运行)
本文介绍了让作曲家(php 依赖管理器)在 docker 镜像构建上运行的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


TL;DR您能否指出一个使用 composer 处理 PHP 依赖项的 docker 映像示例?

TL;DR Can you point me to an example of a docker image that uses composer to handle PHP dependencies?

我在这篇文章中的所有问题都是关于 composer php 依赖工具 不是 docker-composer fig 的继任者em>.

All my questions in this post are regarding composer the php dependency tool not docker-composer the successor of fig.

我正在尝试构建自己的 docker 映像以运行 WordPress 作为作曲家依赖项安装.

I'm trying to build my own docker image to run WordPress installed as a composer dependency.

我正在使用 docker PHP 映像作为基础构建 docker 映像,我需要做的是安装 composer 并在映像创建时间或映像构建时间运行 composer update 命令(不知道是否两者都可以).

I'm working on building a docker image using docker PHP image as a base and what I need to do is install composer and run a composer update command either on image creation time or on image build time (don't know if both would be ok).

我可以通过手动执行所有步骤(运行 docker 映像,对其进行攻击,然后复制和粘贴每个步骤)来正常运行所有内容.

I can run everything just fine by manually executing all the steps (running a docker image, bashing into it, and copying and pasting every step).

但是当我将所有这些步骤放在 Dockerfile 上时,我没有让 composer 来编写文件.

But when I put all that steps on a Dockerfile I don't get composer to write the files.


I've been trying to get a minimum failing example for some time but the one I've got is quite not minimum.

我的测试由以下部分组成(下面是相关 github repos 的链接)

My test is composed of the following (links to the relevant github repos below)



# based on
# https://hub.docker.com/r/richarvey/nginx-php-fpm/
# and
# https://hub.docker.com/_/wordpress/

FROM php:7.0.2-apache

MAINTAINER Miquel Adell <miquel@miqueladell.com>



# Add PHP repository to apt source
RUN apt-get update 
    && apt-get install -y 
    && docker-php-ext-install 

RUN curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer

#~~~ DIRS ~~~#

WORKDIR /var/www/html/

#~~~ WORDPRESS ~~~#

COPY files/composer.json composer.json
ONBUILD RUN composer update


  image: miqueladell/composed_wordpress_test
    - wordpress_db:mysql
    - VIRTUAL_HOST=miqueladell.dev
    - WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wordpress
   - "80"

  image: miqueladell/mariadb-utf8mb4
     - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password


  1. 在包含上面粘贴的 Dockerfile 的目录中构建执行此命令的映像

  1. Build an image executing this command in a directory containing the Dockerfile pasted above

 docker build -t miqueladell/composed_wordpress_test .


通过在包含上面粘贴的 docker-compose.yml 的目录中运行以下命令,使用该映像构建容器

Use that image to build a container by running the following command in a directory containing the docker-compose.yml pasted above

 docker-compose up


bash 进入正在运行的容器以查看文件是否存在

bash into the running container to be able to see if the files are there

 docker exec -i -t miqueladellv2_wordpress_1 bash

  • /var/www/html 的 ls

  • ls of /var/www/html

     root@bff14367658b:/var/www/html# ls -al
     total 12
     drwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 19 10:50 .
     drwxr-xr-x 5 root     root     4096 Jan 19 10:50 ..
     -rw-r--r-- 1 root     root      138 Jan 15 09:18 composer.json

  • 您可以在第 4 步中看到 composer update 似乎根本没有运行.

    You can see in step 4 that composer update seems to not have run at all.


    RUN composer update

    ONBUILD RUN composer update

    在 Dockerfile 上结果相同.

    on Dockerfile with the same results.

    如果我回到测试的上一步 4 并在 docker 容器的 bash 提示符下手动运行 composer update,我会得到:

    If I go back to the previous step 4 of the test and I manually run composer update on the bash prompt of the docker container I get:

    root@bff14367658b:/var/www/html# composer update
    Loading composer repositories with package information
    Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
      - Installing johnpbloch/wordpress-core-installer (0.2.1)
        Downloading: 100%
      - Installing johnpbloch/wordpress (4.4.1)
        Downloading: 100%
    Writing lock file
    Generating autoload files
    root@bff14367658b:/var/www/html# ls -al
    total 24
    drwxr-xr-x 4 www-data www-data 4096 Jan 19 11:12 .
    drwxr-xr-x 6 root     root     4096 Jan 19 11:12 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root     root      138 Jan 15 09:18 composer.json
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root     root     3718 Jan 19 11:12 composer.lock
    drwxr-xr-x 4 root     root     4096 Jan 19 11:12 vendor
    drwxr-xr-x 5 root     root     4096 Jan 19 11:12 wordpress

    这正是我在第 4 步所期望的输出

    which is exactly the output I was expecting on step 4

    github 链接到完整文件

    • Dockerfile 及其依赖项
    • docker-composer



    Installing composer like this will avoid this problem:

    RUN curl -o /tmp/composer-setup.php https://getcomposer.org/installer 
    && curl -o /tmp/composer-setup.sig https://composer.github.io/installer.sig 
    # Make sure we're installing what we think we're installing!
    && php -r "if (hash('SHA384', file_get_contents('/tmp/composer-setup.php')) !== trim(file_get_contents('/tmp/composer-setup.sig'))) { unlink('/tmp/composer-setup.php'); echo 'Invalid installer' . PHP_EOL; exit(1); }" 
    && php /tmp/composer-setup.php --no-ansi --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer --snapshot 
    && rm -f /tmp/composer-setup.*

    这篇关于让作曲家(php 依赖管理器)在 docker 镜像构建上运行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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