我想用 Doctrine 执行一个选择查询:
I have a select query I'd like to perform with Doctrine:
$resultset = Doctrine_Query::create()
->select("t.code, t.description, case when t.id_outcome = 1 then 1 else 0 end as in_progress")
->from('LuOutcome t')
And it barfs on the 'case'. The documentation does not mention that it's possible (or not).
我想知道 Doctrine 是否缺乏这样做的能力.如果是这样,这是一个相当大的遗漏.有人知道解决方法吗?
I'm wondering if Doctrine lacks the capacity to do so. If so, it's a rather major omission. Does anyone know of a work-around?
我在这里遇到了同样的问题.我的项目很旧,并试图快速修复它.所以我只是稍微修改一下 Doctrine 的代码,这样我就可以使用case when"了.这是我的 Doctrine 1.1.3 代码.
I had the same problem here. My project is very old, and tried to fix it quickly. So I just change a little bit the code for Doctrine so I can use "case when". This is my code for Doctrine 1.1.3.
Doctrine/Query.php, change lines from 658 to 674:
if (count($terms) > 1 || $pos !== false) {
$terms=explode(" as ", $reference);
$expression = array_shift($terms);
$alias = array_pop($terms);
if ( ! $alias) {
$alias = substr($expression, 0, $pos);
$componentAlias = $this->getExpressionOwner($expression);
$tableAlias = $this->getTableAlias($componentAlias);
$expression=str_replace($componentAlias, $tableAlias, $expression);
$sqlAlias = $tableAlias . '__' . $alias;
$expression = array_shift($terms);
$alias = array_pop($terms);
if ( ! $alias) {
$alias = substr($expression, 0, $pos);
$componentAlias = $this->getExpressionOwner($expression);
$expression = $this->parseClause($expression);
$tableAlias = $this->getTableAlias($componentAlias);
$index = count($this->_aggregateAliasMap);
$sqlAlias = $this->_conn->quoteIdentifier($tableAlias . '__' . $index);
$this->_sqlParts['select'][] = $expression . ' AS ' . $sqlAlias;
It's not a great change, but it helped me...
这篇关于在 Doctrine 选择语句中使用“case when"的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!