Given I have an instance of Event ($event) that has many AttendancePerson, I need to get all of the AttendancePerson objects belonging to $event where the AttendancePerson.person attended more than one event that has a calendar_id matching $event->calendar_id and where the AttendancePerson.event.dateTo ends in the previous year.
The schema minus irrelevant column names:
- id
- event_id
- person_id
- id
- calendar_id
- dateTo
- id
- id
The purpose is to find old members of any given event. Any event attendance person who attended an event sharing the same calendar more than once in the previous year is an "old member" of the event.
I read through many relevant questions. None of them helped. Thank you to anyone who can help on this.
For your specific requirement of having persons from event_attendance_person
who have attended more than 1 event in past year of same calendar to the calendar of provided event so in plain Mysql query you can join your tables get the count of distinct events per person id i.e COUNT(DISTINCT e.id)
and a conditional count for the provided event id lets say i want to get the persons who have attended event with id 2228
so for this suing case in count you can do so COUNT(CASE WHEN e.id = 2228 THEN 1 END)
this will give you the count 1 for the person who attended this event and 0 for persons who misses that event, reason for this conditional count is because i am not using where filter for event id i have overcome this one by using having clause and for the past year a simple where clause is WHERE e.dateTo < DATE_FORMAT(NOW() ,'%Y-01-01 00:00:00')
SELECT p.*,COUNT(DISTINCT e.id) total_events,
COUNT(CASE WHEN e.id = 2228 THEN 1 END) count_event
FROM `event_attendance_person` p
JOIN `event_event` e ON(p.`eventId` = e.id )
JOIN `event_calendar` c ON(e.`calendar` =c.`id`)
WHERE e.`dateTo` < DATE_FORMAT(NOW() ,'%Y-01-01 00:00:00')
GROUP BY p.`personId`
HAVING count_event = 1 AND total_events > 1
ORDER BY total_events DESC
You can test this query on your Mysql server
Now here comes the doctrine part you can replicate above query in DQL as
$DQL="SELECT p,COUNT(DISTINCT e.id) AS total_events,
COUNT(CASE WHEN e.id = 2228 THEN 1 END) AS count_event
FROM NamespaceYourBundle:EventAttendencePerson p
JOIN p.events e
JOIN e.calandar c
WHERE e.dateTo < :dateTo
GROUP BY p.personId
HAVING total_events = 1 AND count_event >1
For above DQL i assume you have already mapped your relations among your entities like for above query below are the mandatory relations which must exist in your entities
JOIN p.events e Now p is alias for entity
entity must point to yourEvent
entity so that the onON(p.eventId = e.id )
part can be achievedJOIN e.calandar c Now
entity must point to yourCalendar
entity in order to achieveON(e.calendar =c.id)
And then you can run your DQL as below by using doctrine's paginator class
use DoctrineORMToolsPaginationPaginator;
$query = $DM->createQuery($DQL)
->setParameter('dateTo', date("Y-01-01 00:00:00"))
$Persons = new Paginator($query, $fetchJoinCollection = true);
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