在 asp.net 中,您可以通过对数据库的一次调用来检索 MULTIPLE 数据表.你能在php中做同样的事情吗?
In asp.net, you can retrieve MULTIPLE datatables from a single call to the database. Can you do the same thing in php?
$sql ="select * from t1; select * from t2;";
$result = SomeQueryFunc($sql);
print_r($result[0]); // dump results for t1
print_r($result[1]); // dump results for t2
这叫做多查询".PHP 中的 mysql 扩展没有任何方法来启用多查询.mysqli 扩展确实允许您使用多查询,但只能通过 multi_query() 方法.请参阅 http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.multi-query.php
This is called "multi-query." The mysql extension in PHP does not have any means to enable multi-query. The mysqli extension does allow you to use multi-query, but only through the multi_query() method. See http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.multi-query.php
不推荐使用多查询,因为它会增加 SQL 注入攻击造成的潜在破坏.如果你使用多查询,你应该使用严格的代码检查习惯来避免SQL注入漏洞.
Using multi-query is not recommended, because it can increase the potential damage caused by SQL injection attacks. If you use multi-query, you should use rigorous code inspection habits to avoid SQL injection vulnerability.