PHP 中的命名空间阻止使用 Yii 静态函数

Namespaces in PHP preventing using of Yii static functions(PHP 中的命名空间阻止使用 Yii 静态函数)
本文介绍了PHP 中的命名空间阻止使用 Yii 静态函数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I just implemented namespaces in my small application as outlined here:

我遇到了一个问题,我的控制器将不再访问 Yii::app()->getRequest(); 说它找不到 include(C:UserskuhlhtdocsinstaLabelapplicationprotectedcomponentsYii.php):无法打开流:没有那个文件或目录.

I'm running into an issue where my controller will no longer access Yii::app()->getRequest(); saying it can't find include(C:UserskuhlhtdocsinstaLabelapplicationprotectedcomponentsYii.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory.


I realize that's because I declared the namespace as application/components. But I'm not sure how to work around this one...


namespace applicationcomponents;

 * Controller is the customized base controller class.
 * All controller classes for this application should extend from this base class.
class Controller extends CController {
    /* @var $request CHttpRequest */
    protected $request = null;

     * @var string the default layout for the controller view. Defaults to '//layouts/column1',
     * meaning using a single column layout. See 'protected/views/layouts/column1.php'.
    public $layout='//layouts/column1';
     * @var array context menu items. This property will be assigned to {@link CMenu::items}.
    public $menu=array();
     * @var array the breadcrumbs of the current page. The value of this property will
     * be assigned to {@link CBreadcrumbs::links}. Please refer to {@link CBreadcrumbs::links}
     * for more details on how to specify this property.
    public $breadcrumbs=array();

    public function __construct ($id, $module = null) {
        parent::__construct($id, $module);

        $this->request = Yii::app()->getRequest();



You need to fully qualify the relative class name Yii.

最方便的方法是导入类:只需在命名空间声明下方添加 use Yii;.

The most convenient way to do this is by importing the class: just add use Yii; below your namespace declaration.

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