这可能是一个非常愚蠢的问题,但我想不出任何可以帮助我走得更远的东西.我希望缩短页面导航中 NUMBERS 的数量.
而不是像:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
我希望它是这样的:1, 2...7, 8
当我转到 2 时,数字 3 现在应该会出现在数字组中.
<?php if ($numPages > 1): ?><li>Page <?php echo $currentPage?><?php echo $numPages?></li><?php if ($currentPage > 1): ?><li><a href="imgit_images.php?page=1">首先</a></li><li><a href="imgit_images.php?page=<?php echo $currentPage-1?>"><</a></li><?php endif;?><?php if ($currentPage > $howMany + 1): ?><li>...</li><?php endif;?><?php for ($pageIndex = $currentPage - $howMany; $pageIndex <= $currentPage + $howMany; $pageIndex++): ?><?php if ($pageIndex >= 1 && $pageIndex <= $numPages): ?><li><?php if ($pageIndex == $currentPage): ?><你><?php endif;?><a href="imgit_images.php?page=<?php echo $pageIndex?>"><?php echo $pageIndex?></a><?php if ($pageIndex == $currentPage): ?></u><?php endif;?><?php endif;?><?php endfor;?><?php if ($currentPage < $numPages - $howMany): ?><li>...</li><?php endif;?><?php if ($currentPage < $numPages): ?><li><a href="imgit_images.php?page=<?php echo $currentPage+1?>">></a></li><li><a href="imgit_images.php?page=-1">最后</a></li><?php endif;?><?php endif;?>
This might be a quite silly question, but I can't figure anything out that might help me go further. I'm looking to shorten the number of NUMBERS in my page navigation.
Instead of being like: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I want it be like: 1, 2...7, 8
And when I go to 2, number 3 should now be seen in the numbers group.
Here is my code that is in charge of the page numbers:
<div id="user_nav_bottom">
<?php for($i=1; $i < sizeof($pages)+1; $i++) {
$strong = ($_GET['page'] == $i) ? ' dark bold' : '';
echo '<span class="normal' . $strong . '"><a href="imgit_images.php?page=' . $i . '">' . $i . ', </a></span>';
} ?>
This is a modified chunk of code I wrote for paging forums.
It's output isn't exactly how you showed but should just be a matter of tweaking.
//Set up vars
$currentPage = isset($_GET["page"])? $_GET["page"] : 1;
$numPages = count($pages);
$numPages = 7;//cause I don't have the real var for testing
$howMany = 1;
<?php if ($numPages > 1): ?>
<li>Page <?php echo $currentPage?> of <?php echo $numPages?></li>
<?php if ($currentPage > 1): ?>
<li><a href="imgit_images.php?page=1">First</a></li>
<li><a href="imgit_images.php?page=<?php echo $currentPage-1?>"><</a></li>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($currentPage > $howMany + 1): ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php for ($pageIndex = $currentPage - $howMany; $pageIndex <= $currentPage + $howMany; $pageIndex++): ?>
<?php if ($pageIndex >= 1 && $pageIndex <= $numPages): ?>
<?php if ($pageIndex == $currentPage): ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<a href="imgit_images.php?page=<?php echo $pageIndex?>"><?php echo $pageIndex?></a>
<?php if ($pageIndex == $currentPage): ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endfor; ?>
<?php if ($currentPage < $numPages - $howMany): ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($currentPage < $numPages): ?>
<li><a href="imgit_images.php?page=<?php echo $currentPage+1?>">></a></li>
<li><a href="imgit_images.php?page=-1">Last</a></li>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>