
permission denied for composer in /usr/local/bin/(/usr/local/bin/中的作曲家权限被拒绝)


我遵循了 https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#globally<上的文档/a> 在 arch linux 上全局安装 composer.当我执行 composer self-update 时,我收到此消息:

I followed the documentation on https://getcomposer.org/doc/00-intro.md#globally to install composer globally on arch linux. When I do composer self-update, I get this message:

  rename(/home/hannes/.composer/cache/composer-temp.phar,/usr/local/bin/composer): Permission denied 


The permissions in /usr/local/bin/ (I changed them to 777, but it did not help):

-rwxrwxrwx  1 hannes users 1104202 30. Mai 18:07 composer


In my home directory I did this:

sudo chmod -R 777 .composer/


In /etc/php/php.ini, the open_basedir looks so:

open_basedir = /srv/http/:/home/:/tmp/:/usr/share/pear/:/usr/share/webapps/:/usr/local/bin/

我也尝试过 sudo composer self-update 但效果不佳,而且可能不是正确的方法.(?).我还能尝试做些什么来使这项工作发挥作用?

I also tried sudo composer self-update but it did not work as well and is possibly not the right way. (?). What else could I try to make this work?


现在,arch linux 中有一个对我有用的 composer 包:

Now, there is a package for composer in arch linux which works for me:

sudo pacman -S composer




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