如何触发在 magento 中收到的付款事件?

How to trigger an event on payment received in magento?(如何触发在 magento 中收到的付款事件?)
本文介绍了如何触发在 magento 中收到的付款事件?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


您好,在 Magento 中,一旦订单被设置为处理(通过网关确认或手动),我想触发一个事件,例如:如果普通客户(id 1)花费超过 100 美元并且付款已被确认,将他的组ID设置为4(银VIP,根据促销规则在全球获得2%的折扣)我会为此悬赏,但我希望在 2 天前得到答案 O_o

Greetings, in Magento I want to trigger an event, once an order has been set to processing (by gateway confirmation or manually) that, example: If a general customer (id 1) spends over 100$ and the payment has been confirmed, set his group id to 4 (silver VIP, which by promotion rule gets 2% discount globally) I would give a bounty to this, but I'd like the answer before 2 days O_o

编辑:到目前为止我收到的答案只是部分答案,而且我发现链接非常混乱,我不清楚什么是最小设置,我必须配置什么创建等...我还试图找出如何获得付费客户的 ID/型号.

EDIT: the answer I received so far is only a partial answer, also I find the links very confusing, I'm not clear on what is the minimal setup, what do i have to configure create etc... Also I'm trying to find out how to get the paying customers id/model.


你应该从在 app/code/local 中创建你自己的模块开始.例如创建目录 Moak/Vip.它将成为您模块的根目录.

You should start by creating your own module in app/code/local. Create for example the directories Moak/Vip. It will be the root of your module.

为了让 Magento 知道它存在,在 etc/modules 中创建一个名为 Moak_Vip.xml 的文件,内容如下:

In order for Magento to know it exists, create a file named Moak_Vip.xml in etc/modules, with the following content :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <self_name>Moak VIP module</self_name>
        </Moak_Vip >


Then, in your module directory, you need the following structure and files :

  • etc/config.xml
  • 模型/观察者.php

config.xml 定义您的模块并声明给定事件的事件侦听器(checkout_onepage_controller_success_action 在单页结帐过程完成时发送,sales_order_payment_pay 在付款时发送已确认).

The config.xml defines your module and declares your event listener for a given event (checkout_onepage_controller_success_action is sent when onepage checkout process is complete, sales_order_payment_pay is sent when the payment has been confirmed).


You don't need any DB setup since you will not save any new entity. So your config file should look something like the following :

<?xml version="1.0"?>
            </sales_order_payment_pay >     

现在,您的观察者方法 checkVipCustomer 应该接收一个事件对象,您可以从中检索有关订单、客户...的所有信息,并执行您喜欢的修改.查看 app/code/core/Mage/.../Model/... 中的 Magento 模型类了解如何浏览这些对象.

Now, your Observer method checkVipCustomer should receive an event object from which you can retrieve all information about the order, the customer... and perform the modifications you like. Have a look at Magento model classes in app/code/core/Mage/.../Model/... to see how to navigate through those objects.



class Moak_Vip_Model_Observer
    public function checkVipCustomer($event)
        $order = $event->getInvoice()->getOrder(); // Mage_Sales_Model_Order
            - Check order amount
            - Get customer object
            - Set Group id
            - $customer->save();
        return $this;


注意我没有测试我在这里写的任何代码,所以小心处理!希望它有所帮助,Magento 有一个艰难的学习曲线......祝你好运!

Note I've not tested any of the code I wrote here, so handle with care ! Hope it helped, Magento has a hard learning curve... Good luck !

这篇关于如何触发在 magento 中收到的付款事件?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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