如何在管理面板的 Magento v1.5 Catalog/Mange products/

How to add a custom text field in Magento v1.5 Catalog/Mange products/General tab in admin panel?(如何在管理面板的 Magento v1.5 Catalog/Mange products/General 选项卡中添加自定义文本字段?)
本文介绍了如何在管理面板的 Magento v1.5 Catalog/Mange products/General 选项卡中添加自定义文本字段?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何在管理面板的 Magento v1.5 Catalog/Mange products/General 选项卡中添加自定义文本字段?如果任何机构有这方面的专业知识,请帮助我..

How to add a custom text field in Magento v1.5 Catalog/Mange products/General tab in admin panel? please help me if any body have expertise on this..


由于 Magento 将 Catalog Product 维护为 EAV 结构,因此最好(为了 Magento 的功能和可行性)提供文本字段作为属性在管理部分的目录产品详细信息页面的 General 选项卡 中.

Since Magento maintains Catalog Product as EAV structure, so it will be best (in the interest of Magento functionality & feasibility) to provide the text field as an attribute in the General Tab of Catalog Product details page in the Admin section.


We will go through step by step process of adding an attribute to all the Products:-

  • 转到Manage Attributes"页面(Main Menu > Catalog > Attributes > 管理属性),找到所有可用目录属性的列表.
  • 单击添加新属性"按钮添加新属性.
  • 在表单中提供以下内容(注意事项:不要尝试更改此属性详细信息页面中的任何属性,除非您确定自己在做什么.):-

  • Go to the "Manage Attributes" page (Main Menu > Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes), to find the list of all the available Catalog Attributes.
  • Click the "Add New Attribute" button to add a new attribute.
  • Provide the following in the form (Word of Caution: Don't try to change any of the properties in this Attribute details page, unless you are sure of what you are doing.):-

  • 首先,我们将为Properties"选项卡填写必填字段.
  • Attribute Code"字段中提供您的属性代码.
  • Catalog Input Type"为Text Field",因为您只想拥有文本字段.
  • 如果您想用任何值预填充此文本字段,则需要在默认值"字段中提供该文本.
  • 如果您想为所有产品类型提供此属性,则无需更改Apply To"下拉列表的值(默认为All Product Types").否则,您可以将此值更改为Selected Product Types"&自动所有可用 Magento 产品类型的列表将显示在另一个下拉列表中,您需要从中选择此属性所需的产品类型.
  • 对于Visible on Product View Page on Front-end"字段,如果需要此文本,则需要选择值Yes"显示在前端产品详细信息页面中的字段.

  • First we will fill up the required fields for the tab "Properties".
  • Provide your Attribute Code, in the "Attribute Code" field.
  • Let the "Catalog Input Type" be "Text Field", as you wanted to have text field only.
  • If you want to pre-populate this text field with any value, then you will need to provide that text in the "Default Value" field.
  • If you want to provide this attribute to all the product types, then you need not change the value of the "Apply To" dropdown (which by default is "All Product Types"). Otherwise you can change this value to "Selected Product Types" & automatically a list of all the available Magento Product Types will appear in another dropdown, from where you need to select your required product types for this attribute.
  • For the "Visible on Product View Page on Front-end" field, you need to select the value "Yes", if you want this text field to appear in the front-end Product details page.

现在我们将填充左侧面板中的Manage Label/Options"选项卡.单击该选项卡可打开该选项卡的详细信息页面.

Now we will fill the tab "Manage Label/Options", in the left hand panel. Click on that tab to open that tab's details page.

要检查上述过程是否正常工作,请转到管理"部分中的产品详细信息"页面 &在General"选项卡中,您应该可以轻松找到自己创建的属性与文本字段完美搭配.

To check whether the above process worked correctly or not, go to the Product details page in the Admin section & in the "General" tab, you should be ale to find your own created attribute sitting perfectly with a text field happily among others.


这篇关于如何在管理面板的 Magento v1.5 Catalog/Mange products/General 选项卡中添加自定义文本字段?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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