

Android Manifest Uses Permissions Vs Android Device Specifications(Android 清单使用权限与 Android 设备规范)
Google Play Console preventing uploading or promoting new app versions compliant with sensitive permissions policy(Google Play 管理中心阻止上传或推广符合敏感权限政策的新应用版本)
In-app billing. How to store information that user has paid?(应用内结算.如何存储用户已支付的信息?)
How do you create a stub application that only directs users to download the full version on Google Play?(您如何创建仅引导用户在 Google Play 上下载完整版本的存根应用程序?)
Android Market application Url?(Android Market应用程序Url?)
Android app not quot;designed for tabletsquot; due to drawables(Android 应用并非“专为平板电脑设计;由于drawables)
Application does not show up in Android Market for Motorola XOOM tablet(摩托罗拉 XOOM 平板电脑的应用程序未显示在 Android 市场中)
Google Play, screenshots for tablets and image order(Google Play,平板电脑的屏幕截图和图像顺序)
Crashes in Google Play Developer console vs Crashlytics Console(Google Play 开发者控制台与 Crashlytics 控制台中的崩溃)
Android duplicate provider authority problem(Android重复提供者权限问题)