我们在 Google Play 商店中有一个 Android 应用程序.崩溃与该应用程序的 ANR 部分仅列出了少数几个最严重的崩溃,而我们的 Crashlytics 控制台列出了一组完全不同的崩溃 - 我的意思是 Crashlytics 中只有少数最严重的崩溃与 Playstore 中的崩溃相同.原因之一可能是我们的应用程序也通过我们客户设置的私有企业商店分发.
We have an Android App on Google play store . The Crashes & ANR section of the app lists only a handful of top crashes where as our Crashlytics console lists a total different set of crashes - I mean that only few of the top crashes in Crashlytics are same as one in Playstore. One of the reasons can be that our App is also distributed via an Enterprise store private to our customer's setup.
1. Do these crashes also get shown up in Google Play Dev Console ?
2. Also if I can get all the crashes in Play Dev Console as I see in Crashlytics. ?
我使用 Google Play、Crittercism、Crashlytics 和 HockeyApp 来跟踪 Android SDK 和 NDK 派生应用程序中的崩溃.
I have used Google Play, Crittercism, Crashlytics and HockeyApp to track crashes in Android SDK and NDK derived applications.
My answers to your questions...
1) 您将永远无法在 Google Play 开发控制台中查看所有崩溃问题.Google Play 根本无法很好地跟踪崩溃.在许多版本中,它要求用户发送报告"并且许多人只需单击取消.Google Play 也仅收集来自某些已识别设备和区域的崩溃.
1) You will never be able to get all of the crashes in Google Play Dev Console. Google Play simply does not do a good job tracking crashes. In many versions, it requests that the user 'Send Report' and many people just click cancel. Google Play also only collects crashes from certain recognized devices and regions.
2) Google Play 崩溃报告系统的弱点将促使您使用第三方崩溃报告器.在这一点上,我永远不会发布一个严格依赖 Google Play 进行崩溃报告的应用程序——如果你这样做,你只会错过绝大多数用户问题.
2) The weaknesses of Google Play's crash reporting system will push you to use a third-party crash reporter. At this point I would never release an application that depended strictly on Google Play for crash reporting -- you will simply miss the vast majority of user issues if you do this.
我们的流程是忽略 Google Play 开发控制台的崩溃报告,但使用他们的 ANR 报告(在其他崩溃报告中更难获得.)
Our process is to ignore Google Play Dev Console's crash reports, but use their ANR reports (which are harder to get in other crash reporters.)
这篇关于Google Play 开发者控制台与 Crashlytics 控制台中的崩溃的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!