

Error in Swift class: Property not initialized at super.init call - How to initialize properties which need use of self in their initializer parameter(Swift 类中的错误:在 super.init 调用时未初始化属性 - 如何初始化需要在其初始化参数中使用 self 的属性) - IT屋-程序员软件开发技术分
Why can#39;t Swift initializers call convenience initializers on their superclass?(为什么 Swift 初始化器不能在其超类上调用便利初始化器?)
Static NSArray of strings - how/where to initialize in a View Controller(字符串的静态 NSArray - 如何/在哪里初始化视图控制器)
Objective C two-phase construction of objects(Objective C 对象的两阶段构造)
#39;self#39; used before all stored properties are initialized(self 在所有存储的属性被初始化之前使用)
Objective-C Is it safe to overwrite [NSObject initialize]?(Objective-C 覆盖 [NSObject 初始化] 是否安全?)
how and where do I initialize an global NSMutableArray in Xcode 5(如何以及在哪里初始化 Xcode 5 中的全局 NSMutableArray)
quot;withquot; in parameter names in Swift initialisers(“与在 Swift 初始化程序中的参数名称中)
Initialising a static variable in Objective-C category(在 Objective-C 类别中初始化一个静态变量)
iPhone -- is initWithCoder an exception to the usual designated initializer design pattern?(iPhone - initWithCoder 是通常指定初始化程序设计模式的例外吗?)