Loading ViewController from xib file(从 xib 文件加载 ViewController)
How to initialize sqlite database once from a helper class in Android(如何从Android中的帮助类初始化sqlite数据库)
Why use required Initializers in Swift classes?(为什么在 Swift 类中使用必需的初始化器?)
Static constructor equivalent in Objective-C?(Objective-C中的静态构造函数等效?)
Calling instance method during initialization in Swift(在 Swift 初始化期间调用实例方法)
why does initializing subclasses require calling the super class#39;s same init function?(为什么初始化子类需要调用超类的相同init函数?)
Swift: Creating an Array with a Default Value of distinct object instances(Swift:创建具有不同对象实例默认值的数组)
Compiler error: quot;initializer element is not a compile-time constantquot;(编译器错误:“初始化器元素不是编译时常量;)
Swift lazy instantiating using self(使用 self 进行 Swift 惰性实例化)
Calling a method on an uninitialized object (null pointer)(在未初始化的对象(空指针)上调用方法)