Add method to UINavigationBar back button?(向 UINavigationBar 后退按钮添加方法?)
Best idea for importing text to each NavigationController View(将文本导入每个 NavigationController 视图的最佳方法)
Change Both Title Text Color and Font in all Navigation Bars(更改所有导航栏中的标题文本颜色和字体)
iOS 8 - Set Status Bar Color (when your UINavigationBar has a nil backgroud image)(iOS 8 - 设置状态栏颜色(当你的 UINavigationBar 有一个零背景图像时))
Navigate from a ViewController to an another on didSelectRowAt programmatically(以编程方式从一个 ViewController 导航到 didSelectRowAt 上的另一个)
UIPopoverController not dismissed when opened from self.navigationItem (inside UINavigationController)(从 self.navigationItem(在 UINavigationController 内部)打开时,UIPopoverController 未解除)
Exception: Cannot manually set the delegate on a UINavigationBar managed by a controller(例外:无法在控制器管理的 UINavigationBar 上手动设置委托)
how to add uinavigation controller in a view based application(如何在基于视图的应用程序中添加 uinavigation 控制器)
Detect backward/pop navigation in destination view controller viewWillAppear(在目标视图控制器 viewWillAppear 中检测向后/弹出导航)
iOS 13 - When Search Active Push to other VC then that VC UITableView goes under the NavigationBar in Swift 4(iOS 13 - 当搜索主动推送到其他 VC 时,该 VC UITableView 在 Swift 4 中的 NavigationBar 下)