Swift calling setNavigationBarHidden but view wont move to top(Swift 调用 setNavigationBarHidden 但视图不会移到顶部)
UINavigationController hide only navigationBar - Back animation issue(UINavigationController 仅隐藏导航栏 - 后退动画问题)
how iphone facebook app make the navigation bar fixed(iphone facebook 应用程序如何修复导航栏)
viewDidDisappear not getting called on a UINavigationController(viewDidDisappear 没有在 UINavigationController 上被调用)
How to set background image for UINavigationBar on different iOS Devices(如何在不同的 iOS 设备上为 UINavigationBar 设置背景图片)
UITabBarController#39;s #39;More#39; navigation controller disappears under UINavigationController(UITabBarController 的“更多导航控制器在 UINavigationController 下消失)
Best idea for importing text to each NavigationController View(将文本导入每个 NavigationController 视图的最佳方法)
Passing model objects from one view controller to another in a navigation stack(在导航堆栈中将模型对象从一个视图控制器传递到另一个视图控制器)
Change Both Title Text Color and Font in all Navigation Bars(更改所有导航栏中的标题文本颜色和字体)
iPhone one title for all view controllers(iPhone 为所有视图控制器提供一个标题)