iOS 6 shouldAutorotate: is NOT being called(iOS 6 shouldAutorotate: 没有被调用)
How can you rotate text for UIButton and UILabel in Swift?(如何在 Swift 中旋转 UIButton 和 UILabel 的文本?)
iOS 8 Rotation Methods Deprecation - Backwards Compatibility(iOS 8 旋转方法弃用 - 向后兼容性)
How to capture current view screenshot and reuse in code? (iPhone SDK)(如何捕获当前视图屏幕截图并在代码中重用?(iPhone SDK))
How to rotate an image 90 degrees on iOS?(如何在 iOS 上将图像旋转 90 度?)
Responsive website on iPhone - unwanted white space on rotate from landscape to portrait(iPhone上的响应式网站-从横向旋转到纵向时不需要的空白)
UIImageView Gestures (Zoom, Rotate) Question(UIImageView 手势(缩放、旋转)问题)
iOS: How to run a function after Device has Rotated (Swift)(iOS:设备旋转后如何运行函数(Swift))
UITabBarController Rotation Issues in ios 6(ios 6 中的 UITabBarController 旋转问题)
How to avoid restarting activity when orientation changes on Android(如何在 Android 上的方向更改时避免重新启动活动)