

How to avoid restarting activity when orientation changes on Android(如何在 Android 上的方向更改时避免重新启动活动)
CABasicAnimation rotate returns to original position(CABasicAnimation 旋转返回原始位置)
Android ADT Plugin doesn#39;t show up in Eclipse(Android ADT 插件未出现在 Eclipse 中)
Android Eclipse Plugin Too Slow(Android Eclipse 插件太慢了)
Generate a keystore for an Android app in the Export Android Application wizard?(在导出 Android 应用程序向导中为 Android 应用程序生成密钥库?)
Failed to instantiate com.android.menubar.internal.MenuBarEnhancerCocoa(无法实例化 com.android.menubar.internal.MenuBarEnhancerCocoa)
Eclipse not Recognizing quot;R.id...quot; with Android(Eclipse 无法识别“R.id...与安卓)
Activity restart on rotation Android(旋转Android上的活动重启)
Evenly space multiple views within a container view(在容器视图中均匀分布多个视图)
Android: Rotate image in imageview by an angle(Android:将imageview中的图像旋转一个角度)