应用程序崩溃 - “DiskImageCache:无法解析旧目录的

App crash - quot;DiskImageCache: Could not resolve the absolute path of the old directory.quot;(应用程序崩溃 - “DiskImageCache:无法解析旧目录的绝对路径.)
本文介绍了应用程序崩溃 - “DiskImageCache:无法解析旧目录的绝对路径."的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在开发一个应用程序,我在其中显示用户在 PDF 文件中输入的数据.PDF 文件也是动态创建的.

I am working on an app, where I display the data entered by user in a PDF file. PDF File is also created dynamically.


我已经实现了 QuickLook 框架来显示 pdf 文件.当我调用 QL 框架时,PDF 文件 id 显示得很好,但是当返回调用屏幕时,我的应用程序崩溃了,没有任何崩溃日志或内存警告.

I have implemented QuickLook framework to display the pdf file. When I call the QL framework, PDF file id displayed quite fine but when come back to the calling screen, my app crashes without any crash log or memory warnings.

我正在使用以下代码调用 QL:

I am calling QL with below code:

[[self navigationController] presentModalViewController:qlPreviewer animated:YES];


DiskImageCache: Could not resolve the absolute path of the old directory.
[Switching to process 3070 thread 0x17603]
[Switching to process 3070 thread 0x15503]

这很有趣.....当我在 Instruments 中运行相同的程序来检查泄漏和内存管理时,我只能在滚动 PDF 文档并查看所有页面时发现泄漏.但是,有趣的是,我没有看到任何应用程序崩溃.另外,我确实尝试了 ZombieEnabled = YES 并且没有它但没有使用 Instruments 的应用程序崩溃.

This is quite interesting..... When I run the same program in Instruments to check for leaks and Memory Management, i can only find leaks when PDF document is scrolled and all the pages are viewed. However, interestingly there is no app crash that I can see. Also, I did try with ZombieEnabled = YES and without it but no app crash with Instruments.

我对如何解释这个问题一无所知,并且一直在尝试不同的方法来解决这个问题.另外,我也试过 UIWebView 但结果是一样的.

I am quite clueless on how to interpret this and have been trying different things to solve this. Also, I have tried UIWebView but the result is the same.

我再次尝试检查问题并发现了一些有趣的东西.当我直接从 X-Code 执行代码时 - 如上所述,我遇到了崩溃.

I was again trying something to check out the issue and found something interesting. When i execute the code directly from X-Code - i get the crash in as explained above.

在其他情况下,如果我通过单击 sim 中的应用程序来执行应用程序...不会崩溃

In other instance, if I execute the app by clicking on the app in the sim... no crash


I am yet to check this on device. Can someone confirm the crash on the device?


Also, Google does not have answer to this question.


Thanks in advance for your answers. Can anyone shed some light on this?



I'm having the exact same issue.


As a workaround, you can disable or remove your 'All Exceptions' breakpoint. This might make debugging a little more difficult, but it's not as bad as having to relaunch the application all the time.


This is the breakpoint causing the issue. I had set it so long ago that I'd forgotten it was there

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