
Retrieving Current Location and Zip using Geolocation Button(使用地理位置按钮检索当前位置和邮编)


我想在我的 UISearchBar 附近放置一个 Geolocation 按钮,点击该按钮时,它应该返回 zip(例如 20043).我将使用 ZIP 中的值来获取我附近的建筑物列表.

I want to place a Geolocation button near my UISearchBar, which on clicking, it should return the zip (eg. 20043). I will be using the value from the ZIP to get the list of buildings near me.

如果有人可以帮助我使用位置按钮,我将不胜感激,以及实现仅返回 ZIP (integer) 的方法是什么?custom UIButton 是否适用于位置按钮?

I would appreciate it if someone could help me with the location Button, and what are the methods to implement to return just the ZIP (integer) ? And would a custom UIButton work for the location button ?



在 iOS 4 中没有转发地理编码(将地址转换为 lat/long),在 iOS 5 中有一些增强(这是在 NDA 下,所以你需要访问 Apple 开发者网站).

In iOS 4 there is no forward geocoded (turning an address into lat/long), there are some enhancements to this in iOS 5 (this is under NDA, so you'll need to visit the Apple developers site).


If you're looking for something now, here is a forward geocoder you can use: http://blog.sallarp.com/ipad-iphone-forward-geocoding-api-google/


As for the button, there is this project that has many of the commonly used map kit buttons: https://github.com/myell0w/MTLocation




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