我设置每个用户每分钟展示两次,但它不起作用.广告每次都在不断展示.[图片] https://i.imgsafe.org/95d5e259bf.png
I set two impressions per minute per user but it doesn't work. Ads keep showing every time. [IMAGE] https://i.imgsafe.org/95d5e259bf.png
在 admob 网站上,他们说:频次上限的更改,例如将上限从 2 个更改为 3 个,最多可能需要一天才能生效.
on admob site they say : A change to frequency capping, such as changing the cap from two to three, can take up to a day to take effect.
但是自从我对频次上限应用更改后,已经 两天 天了,但它不起作用?以下是我请求广告的方式:
But it has been more than TWO days since I applyed change to Frequency capping and it is not working ? Here is how I request ads :
private void requestNewInterstitial() {
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().addTestDevice("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX").build();
我使用 setTestDevice,因此真实广告不会显示应用,因为真实广告的展示可能会导致我被禁止.
I use setTestDevice so real ads wont show app because impressions on real ads can get me banned.
对频次上限的更改(例如将上限从 2 个更改为 3 个)最多可能需要一天时间才能生效.轻微的服务器延迟有时会导致超出您设置的频率上限.
A change to frequency capping, such as changing the cap from two to three, can take up to a day to take effect. A slight server delay can occasionally result in the frequency cap that you've set being exceeded.
这篇关于为什么 admob 广告单元频次上限不起作用?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!