I'd like to use the new AdMob native ad functionality in my app. I want to put a native ad within a listView, where every 20th item or so in the list is an ad. Is it possible to achieve this with a Native Express Ad? Or do I have to use a Natve Advanced Ad?
Well @Jagjit has shown the right approach. I will write it step by step
1. Create your own custom adapter (by extending BaseAdapter
) which will be shown as listview items
2. Create another layout resource file for showing native ad (design should be similar to the custom adapter created in above step)
3. In the getView
method do something as follows (for showing ad at 2nd position)
if (position == 1) {
rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.native_ad_adapter, null);
NativeExpressAdView adView = (NativeExpressAdView)rowView.findViewById(R.id.adView);
AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();
} else {
rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.my_custom_list, null);
TextView bigtxt = (TextView) rowView.findViewById(R.id.txt1);
Here your custom adapter is my_custom_list
You will see the ads are loading. But there is a small problem, the actual item of list at position 1 will not be shown.
4. For that, add an extra item to the list before populating the ListView
. I have used ArrayList
so I could do it easily. My approach is as follows
arrayList1.add(1,"ad here");
listview1.setAdapter(new MyAdapter(callerView.getContext(), arrayList1.toArray(new String[arrayList1.size()])));
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