AdMob 测试广告仅在英文设备上展示

AdMob test ads shows only on English devices(AdMob 测试广告仅在英文设备上展示)
本文介绍了AdMob 测试广告仅在英文设备上展示的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


After I installed Google Play Services APIs 6.4.1 to insert banners in my app, i had hard times to make it work.

On my test device (nexus-S mounting JB 4.1.2, language set to Italian) i don't see any ads, with this logcat:

01-27 13:22:55.518: I/Ads(3463): Use AdRequest.Builder.addTestDevice("2CF3523D47F0CFC8A7523B041D9BB325") to get test ads on this device.
01-27 13:22:55.522: I/Ads(3463): Starting ad request.
01-27 13:23:43.998: I/Ads(3463): No fill from ad server.
01-27 13:23:44.409: W/Ads(3463): Failed to load ad: 3

When i run it on a JB 4.2.1 Nexus 7 with language set to English(us) it works until i change language (Settings->Language&input->Language) to Italian, then i cannot see ads anymore.

It looks like there are no ads for non-english languages, but this happens for both test and real ads.

Tried also with emulators, running GB 2.3.3 and JB 4.3, both display ads if language is set to English, both stop displaying ads if i change language.

Here's the code i use inside onCreate()

adView = (AdView)(view.findViewById(;
adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder()
    .addTestDevice("2CF3523D47F0CFC8A7523B041D9BB325") // nexus S
    .addTestDevice("9C75E9349CF38EF5EB2C6C6100E96A7E") // nexus 7

How can i make admob work also on non-english devices?


I'm gonna answering myself, because it started working without any modification.

Ads have been displayed almost instantly for english devices, while, for some AdMob related reasons, to see ads in italian devices i had to wait for 4 (FOUR!!) days!

So, the answer is: just wait.

Hope this helps.

这篇关于AdMob 测试广告仅在英文设备上展示的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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