在看到新的foursquare 应用程序的最后一个屏幕截图和他们的气球状卡通说明后,我想在我的应用程序中创建其中的一些.
After seeing the last screenshots of new foursquare application and their balloon like cartoon instructions, I'd like to create some of these in my application.
我发现了一个关于 iPhone 的类似问题用于说明的小弹出窗口...如何?
I found a similar question for iPhone Small popup for instructions... How?
Here is another screenshot of foursquare app:
我想知道如何使用 Android 实现这一目标.
I'd like to know how I could achieve that with Android.
更新:这是我目前所能做到的,但添加了一些带有自定义绘制背景的按钮并使用 FrameLayout 将它们分层:
UPDATE: This is what I could get so far but adding some buttons with a custom drawn background and layering them with a FrameLayout:
But I still couldn't get the triangle effect. Maybe there is something I can do with my custom background shape?
在查看了您的建议后,我决定采用 Aaron C 的想法,并添加了一张带有箭头的图片.这是我目前的结果:
After checking your suggestions, I decided to go with Aaron C idea and added an image with an arrow on it. This is my current result:
谢谢 Snailer,QuickAction API 项目看起来很有前途.在我的应用中实现更多功能时,我会检查一下.
Thank you Snailer, QuickAction API project seems very much promissing. I'll check it out when implementing more features in my app.
Now, I just need to get the right color or maybe I could just let it this way. It seems nice too.
And, so, to summarize what I did:
- 在 FrameView 中获得了我的初始 xml 布局.
- Got my initial xml layout inside a FrameView.
As I'm using a frameview, everything I put in here will be piled one over the other. That's how I could add things to the layout.
在那个框架布局中,我放置了 2 个相对布局,其中包含一个带有三角形的图像和一个按钮来创建两个上部弹出窗口.在底部我只放了一个按钮.
In that framelayout, I put 2 relativelayouts whith an image with the triangle and a button to create the two upper popups. In the bottom I put a button only.
That's it. I hope it helps somebody.
Thank you very much again for all your help!
上可能有一个内置的 Android 变体可以实现这一点,但如果没有,我将如何实现它:
That sounds like a neat thing to implement. There might be a built-in Android variation on AlertDialog
that achieves this, but if not here is how I would go about implementing it:
创建一个新的 Activity,其背景为黑色,具有非常高(低?)的 alpha 颜色值.这将允许您通过它查看堆栈中的前一个 Activity.然后,使用具有填充值的相对布局在您喜欢的任何坐标处添加警报.
Create a new Activity whose background is black with a very high (low?) alpha color value. This will allow you to see through it to the previous Activity in the stack. Then, add your alert at whatever coordinates you like using a relative layout with padding values.
您可能还想添加一个触摸侦听器,如果用户触摸气球(或者可能在屏幕上的任何位置),它会退出 Activity.
You might also want to add a touch listener that exits the Activity if the user touches the balloon (or maybe anywhere in the screen).
如果您想了解气球的坐标位置,可以使用带有 putExtra()
方法的 Activity 的启动 Intent 将此信息传递到新的 Activity.
If you want to be fancy with coordinate placement of the balloon, you can pass this information into the new Activity using the Activity's launch Intent with the putExtra()