Android 设备是否使用网络时间协议 (NTP) 来同步时间?
Do Android Devices use the network time protocol (NTP) to synchronize the time?
在我的设备设置中,我看到一个带有以下文本与网络同步"的复选框,但我不知道他们是否使用 NTP.
In my Device-Settings I see a checkbox with the following text "synchronize with network", but I don't know if they are using NTP.
我在使用 GPS 的学士论文中需要这个.为了获得准确的 GPS 信号,接收器应该有一个准确的时钟.
I need this for my Bachelor Thesis for which I use GPS. To get an accurate GPS-signal the receiver should have an exact clock.
我在网上找到了这个博客条目,但我不确定他说的是不是真的:加速 NTP,Android 中的 GPS 锁定
I have found this blog-entry on the web, but I'm not sure if he tells the truth: Speeding up NTP, GPS Lock in Android
我知道 Android ICS 使用了一个自定义服务,名为:NetworkTimeUpdateService
.该服务还通过 NtpTrustedTime
I know about Android ICS that it uses a custom service called: NetworkTimeUpdateService
. This service also implements a NTP time synchronization via the NtpTrustedTime
In NtpTrustedTime
the default NTP server is requested from the Android system string source:
final Resources res = context.getResources();
final String defaultServer = res.getString(
如果系统设置中的自动时间同步选项被选中并且没有 NITZ 时间服务可用,那么时间将从 com.android.internal.R.string.config_ntpServer
If the automatic time sync option in the system settings is checked and no NITZ time service is available then the time will be synchronized with the NTP server from com.android.internal.R.string.config_ntpServer
要获取 com.android.internal.R.string.config_ntpServer
To get the value of com.android.internal.R.string.config_ntpServer
you can use the following method:
final Resources res = this.getResources();
final int id = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier(
"config_ntpServer", "string","android");
final String defaultServer = res.getString(id);
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