这是一个问题:假设活动堆栈由 A->B->C 组成.
Here is the question: Let's say the activity stack consist of A->B->C.
如果用户按照顺序例如:开始A -> B -> C,按下返回按钮将导致C->B->A.但是,如果用户直接进入活动 C(例如:通过通知),按下后退按钮将导致应用关闭,而不是进入 B->A.
If user followed the order eg: Start A -> B -> C, pressing back button will cause C->B->A. However, if user entered directly into activity C (eg: via notification), pressing back button will cause the app to close, instead of going into B->A.
如何将 Activity 堆栈插入到 A->B->C 中,这样当用户按下 C 时,它总是会回到 B.
How do I insert the into the activity stack to become A->B->C, so that when user pressed back at C, it will always back to B.
只需覆盖activityc中的onBackPressed()方法和startactivity B和activity b中的startactivity a即可.
just overide the onBackPressed() method and startactivity B in activityc and startactivity a in activity b.
在 activty c 中有这些代码::
in activty c have these code::
public void onBackPressed(){
startActivity(new Intent(this,ActivityB.class));
在活动 b 中有这些代码::
and in activity b have these code::
public void onBackPressed(){
startActivity(new Intent(this,ActivityA.class));
在活动 a 中有这些代码::
and in activity a have these code::
public void onBackPressed(){