iOS:制作具有动态高度的 UIScrollView 的最佳方法?

iOS: Best way to make a UIScrollView with dynamic height?(iOS:制作具有动态高度的 UIScrollView 的最佳方法?)
本文介绍了iOS:制作具有动态高度的 UIScrollView 的最佳方法?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我目前正在设置具有以下结构的 UIScrollView

I'm currently setting up a UIScrollView with the following structure

--ContentView (UIView)
  --ContainerView1 (UIView)
  --ContainerView2 (UIView)
  --ContainerView3 (UIView) 


I've pinned all the four edges for all the elements above and also have defined their height constraints (Storyboard complaints of zero height if I didn't do so).

现在,每当我的 UILabel 从服务器接收到它的文本时,我都会为所有标签调用 sizeToFit.然后我使用 containerViews 的 lastObject 来计算假设的新高度.然后我调用 setNeedsLayout.但是,我的应用没有任何变化!

Now whenever my UILabel receives its text from the server, I call sizeToFit for all the labels. Then I use the lastObject of the containerViews to calculate the supposing new height. Then I call setNeedsLayout. However, nothing changes in my app!


This is the code that I use to calculate the new height and adjust. Perhaps have I programmed it wrong? Sorry my concept on constraints is not strong, may have set the constraints the wrong way too?

- (void) relayoutAllSubViews: (NSArray *) arrayOfContainerViews
    //Relayout subviews
    for (int i = 0; i < [arrayOfContainerViews count]; i++)
        UIView * indView = [arrayOfContainerViews objectAtIndex:i];

        if (indView.hidden == YES)
            indView.frame = CGRectMake(indView.frame.origin.x, indView.frame.origin.y, indView.frame.size.width, 0);

            UIView * lastSubviewInView = [indView.subviews lastObject];
            CGFloat subviewEndPos = lastSubviewInView.frame.origin.y + lastSubviewInView.frame.size.height;

            if ((subviewEndPos - (indView.frame.origin.y + indView.frame.size.height)) > 0)
                indView.frame = CGRectMake(indView.frame.origin.x, indView.frame.origin.y, indView.frame.size.width, (subviewEndPos - indView.frame.origin.y));


    //Adjust scrollview
    UIView * lastView = [self.scrollView.subviews lastObject];
    CGFloat newEndPos = lastView.frame.origin.y + lastView.frame.size.height;
    self.contentView.bounds = CGRectMake(self.contentView.bounds.origin.x, self.contentView.bounds.origin.y, self.contentView.bounds.size.width, (newEndPos - self.contentView.bounds.origin.y));
    self.scrollView.contentSize = self.contentView.bounds.size;

    [self.view setNeedsLayout];




//use the below code to set the content size of a scroll view.

    float newHeight=0.0f;
        for(UIView *subViews in [scrollViewObj subviews])
            if([subViews isKindOfClass:[UIView class]])
        [scrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(300, newHeight)];//change the width as you need

这篇关于iOS:制作具有动态高度的 UIScrollView 的最佳方法?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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