如何在 iOS 中获取屏幕的尺寸?
How can one get the dimensions of the screen in iOS?
lCurrentWidth = self.view.frame.size.width;
lCurrentHeight = self.view.frame.size.height;
在 viewWillAppear:
和 willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration:
The first time I get the entire screen size. The second time i get the screen minus the nav bar.
如何在 iOS 中获取屏幕的尺寸?
How can one get the dimensions of the screen in iOS?
The problem with the code that you posted is that you're counting on the view size to match that of the screen, and as you've seen that's not always the case. If you need the screen size, you should look at the object that represents the screen itself, like this:
CGRect screenRect = [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds];
CGFloat screenWidth = screenRect.size.width;
CGFloat screenHeight = screenRect.size.height;
拆分视图更新:在评论中,Dmitry 问道:
Update for split view: In comments, Dmitry asked:
How can I get the size of the screen in the split view?
上面给出的代码报告屏幕的大小,即使在分屏模式下也是如此.当您使用分屏模式时,您的应用程序的窗口会发生变化.如果上面的代码没有为您提供您期望的信息,那么就像 OP 一样,您正在查看错误的对象.但是,在这种情况下,您应该查看窗口而不是屏幕,如下所示:
The code given above reports the size of the screen, even in split screen mode. When you use split screen mode, your app's window changes. If the code above doesn't give you the information you expect, then like the OP, you're looking at the wrong object. In this case, though, you should look at the window instead of the screen, like this:
CGRect windowRect = self.view.window.frame;
CGFloat windowWidth = windowRect.size.width;
CGFloat windowHeight = windowRect.size.height;
斯威夫特 4.2
let screenRect = UIScreen.main.bounds
let screenWidth = screenRect.size.width
let screenHeight = screenRect.size.height
// split screen
let windowRect = self.view.window?.frame
let windowWidth = windowRect?.size.width
let windowHeight = windowRect?.size.height
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