我正在使用create-react-native-app"和Expo"构建一个 RN 项目.那么如何在 Android & 上运行呢?ios设备?我如何生成APK文件?我正在使用 sublime text 3 编写代码.
I am building a RN project with "create-react-native-app" and "Expo". So how it is possible to run on Android & Ios device? How i can generate APK file? I am using sublime text 3 for writing code.
如果您不介意在真实设备上通过 Expo 应用打开您的应用,您只需将其发布到 Expo 生态系统即可.阅读有关发布的更多信息.
If you don't mind opening your app through the Expo app on real devices, all you need is to publish it onto the Expo ecosystem. Read more about publishing.
If you do mind that extra step and want to go the normal way, you need to create a standalone app for distribution:
当您准备好将应用分发给最终用户时,您可以创建一个独立的应用程序二进制文件(一个 ipa 或 apk 文件)并将其放入 iOS 应用程序中商店和 Google Play 商店.查看完整的构建指南独立应用.
When you’re ready to distribute your app to end-users, you can create a standalone app binary (an ipa or apk file) and put it in the iOS App Store and the Google Play Store. See the full guide to building a standalone app.
这篇关于如何生成 React Native 项目的 apk 或 ios 文件的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!